Ok så! Fritid er blevet lig med at købe ting. Mange ting. Endnu flere ting.
Men gør dig selv en tjeneste: Gå kun på loppemarked, hvis du har en specifik grund til at gøre det. Og gå kun i storcentre og lignende hvis der virkelig er noget, du behøver. Ordet er BEHØVER!
Alt andet er spild af penge og værdifuld tid.
Måske skulle du i stedet aftale en brunch eller frokost eller pakke en sandwich og tage på tur med familie og/eller venner.
Det er meget billigere, og meget mere værdifuldt. Og det varer meget, meget længere end 'glæden' ved en 'ting'.
Rigtig god weekend!
Copenhagen is starting making ready for the week end. At the Kings New Square tables are being set up for the flea market, and in the department store you can get 25% discount (even up to 50%) on a lot of items all week end.
Well then! Time off has become equal to buying stuff. Lots of stuff. And then more stuff.
But do yourself a favor: Only go to the flea market, if you have a specific reason to do so. And only visit malls if you really need something. Really NEED!
Everything else is waste of money and valuable time.
Maybe you should choose to have brunch or lunch or make a sandwich and go on a trip outdoors with family and/or friends.
It is much cheaper, and much more valuable. And lasts much longer than the 'joy' of a 'thing'.
Have a great week end!