A while ago I was so lucky that an elderly friend gave me a clutch. It is a Mulberry. As far as she recalls, it is bought some time during the 1970's. I contacted Mulberry in UK to hear if they knew the model, but they said that they didn't have any history for older bags. Is there any of you who has seen this model before, then I will be happy to hear from you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Bag & Clutch Lovers - Help!
For et stykke tid siden var jeg så heldig at få en clutch af en ældre veninde. Det er en Mulberry. Såvidt hun husker, er den købt en gang i 1970'erne. Jeg kontaktede Mulberry i UK for at høre, om de kendte noget til den, men de sagde, at de ikke lå inde med informationer om alle de ældre tasker. Er der nogen af jer, der har set den model før, så vil jeg være glad for at høre fra jer.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Hvorfor shopper vi? - Why do we shop?
På min weekend bytur tænkte jeg meget på, hvorfor vi shopper. Er det, fordi vi mangler noget? Selve varen altså. Eller er det fordi vi mangler noget andet, der ikke har noget som helst at gøre med det, vi køber? Hvor mange par jeans har man brug for? Hvor meget køkkenudstyr kan man bruge? Og bliver der fjernet noget fra skabene, når der kommer nyt ind? For hvis det er ikke tilfældet, kommer man på et tidspunkt til at drunke i ting. Ting, som man måske ikke har brug for. Det vil sige, at vores hjem bliver mindre og mindre, og når man kommer hjem fra en travl arbejdsdag, bliver man mødt af et kaotisk hjem. Er alle vores impuls-køb virkelig det værd? Og hvad vil vi købe, når vi har købt alt? I stedet skulle vi købe nogle gode ting, når vi behøver dem. Ting som man vil være tilfreds med i lang tid.
On my weekend trip I thought a lot about, why we shop. Is it because we need something? That particular item. Or is it because we need something else, which has nothing to do with what we buy. How many pair of jeans do you need? How much kitchen equipment can you use? And will you remove something from the cabinets when the new stuff comes in. If not, you home will get smaller and smaller, and when you come home from a busy work day, you will be met by a chaotic home. Are all our impulse purchases really worth all that? And what will we buy, when we have bought everything? Instead we should buy good stuff, when we need it. Things that makes us content for a long time.
On my weekend trip I thought a lot about, why we shop. Is it because we need something? That particular item. Or is it because we need something else, which has nothing to do with what we buy. How many pair of jeans do you need? How much kitchen equipment can you use? And will you remove something from the cabinets when the new stuff comes in. If not, you home will get smaller and smaller, and when you come home from a busy work day, you will be met by a chaotic home. Are all our impulse purchases really worth all that? And what will we buy, when we have bought everything? Instead we should buy good stuff, when we need it. Things that makes us content for a long time.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Shopping eller ikke? - Shopping or not?
I dag tog jeg til Lyngby Hovedgade, som er en rigtig hyggelig gade - selv i bidende kulde. Der er en dejlig blomsterforretning, en kurveforretning, en shop med smukke patchworkstoffer, en giftshop med bl.a. dejlige tasker af mærket Nova til en overkommelig pris. Og hvad kom jeg så hjem med? En bog og rød hirse til min undulat, Elvis. Bogen er en gave og min søde Elvis elsker rød hirse. Præcis som jeg havde planlagt. Jeg shopper ikke på impuls. Jeg har for lang tid siden lært, at det meget, meget sjældent giver mig samme glæde som at shoppe 'overlagt' efter nøje overlagt plan. Lige nu er jeg på jagt efter den perfekte sorte cardigan, og hvor svært kan det være? Det er det sikkert ikke, men det skal være den helt rigtige, og jeg ved, at den findes derude, så jeg har ingen grund til at skynde mig. Jeg ved, at jeg finder den og indtil da - bliver der ikke købt noget som erstatning.
Today I went to to Lyngby main street (Lyngby is a suburb to Copenhagen) which is very charming - even in the blistering cold. There is a beautiful flower shop, a wicker shop, a shop with beautiful patchwork materials, a gift shop with i.e. lovely bags, a brand called Nova, at reasonable prices. So what did I bring home? A book and a bag og red millet for my budgie, Elvis. The book is a gift, and my sweet Elvis loves red millet. I bought exactly what I had planned. I don't shop on impulse. I learned a long time ago that it very, very rarely gives me the same pleasure as shopping 'deliberately' after a plan. Right now I am chasing the perfect black cardigan, and how hard can that be? It probably isn't, but it has to be the right one, and I know that it is out there, so I have no hurry. I am going to find it, and until then - I don't buy anything to substitute.
Today I went to to Lyngby main street (Lyngby is a suburb to Copenhagen) which is very charming - even in the blistering cold. There is a beautiful flower shop, a wicker shop, a shop with beautiful patchwork materials, a gift shop with i.e. lovely bags, a brand called Nova, at reasonable prices. So what did I bring home? A book and a bag og red millet for my budgie, Elvis. The book is a gift, and my sweet Elvis loves red millet. I bought exactly what I had planned. I don't shop on impulse. I learned a long time ago that it very, very rarely gives me the same pleasure as shopping 'deliberately' after a plan. Right now I am chasing the perfect black cardigan, and how hard can that be? It probably isn't, but it has to be the right one, and I know that it is out there, so I have no hurry. I am going to find it, and until then - I don't buy anything to substitute.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Week-end Planlægning - Week-end Planning
Hvis det ikke var weekend, ville jeg være gal i hovedet. Jeg har computerproblemer. Men det er weekend. Afslapningstid. Måske hjælper det at få lidt godt at spise! I morgen skal der lidt gang i 'goodie'-kortet. Jeg skal på gavejagt, og jeg har tænkt mig at tage et sted hen, hvor jeg ikke kommer så ofte. Men der er en masse gode små forretninger, så I hører nærmere om, hvad der sker. Man skal aldrig lægge for mange eller for faste planer for fritid. Så er det jo ikke fritid mere!
If it wasn't weekend now, I would be mad. I have computer problems. But it is weekend. Relaxation time. Maybe it helps to have something nice to eat. Tomorrow the 'goodie'-card will come in play. I am going on a gift hunt, and I have planned to go a place, I don't go that often. But there are a lot of good, small shops, so you will hear more about this, and how it works out. Never make too many or too solid plans for time-off. Then it isn't time-off any more.
If it wasn't weekend now, I would be mad. I have computer problems. But it is weekend. Relaxation time. Maybe it helps to have something nice to eat. Tomorrow the 'goodie'-card will come in play. I am going on a gift hunt, and I have planned to go a place, I don't go that often. But there are a lot of good, small shops, so you will hear more about this, and how it works out. Never make too many or too solid plans for time-off. Then it isn't time-off any more.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
1001 perler - 1001 Pearls
På min tur i lørdags så jeg også andre spændende forretninger, bl.a. 1001 Pearls, som så ud som totalt Slaraffenland for smykke-piger. Og så laver de kurser! Så kan man lave noget, som ingen andre har, hvilket er lige mig. Hvem gider at rende rundt og købe det samme, som alle de andre?
On my shop-finder-trip last Saturday I found other exciting shops, i.e. 1001 Pearls, which is totally wonderland for jewelry girls. And then they have courses. Then you can make something, which nobody else have, which is just up my alley. Who want to run around to buy the same as everybody else?
On my shop-finder-trip last Saturday I found other exciting shops, i.e. 1001 Pearls, which is totally wonderland for jewelry girls. And then they have courses. Then you can make something, which nobody else have, which is just up my alley. Who want to run around to buy the same as everybody else?
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Indkøb fra i lørdag - Purchases from Saturday
Det er jo svært at være ude og spotte fine shops uden at blive 'inspireret', og jeg kom da heller ikke tomhændet hjem! Den runde vase er et totalt hit, og tørklædet sprang bare på mig!
It is very difficult to go shop spotting without getting 'inspired', and I did not come home empty handed! The round vase is a total hit, and the scarf just jumped right on me!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Spændende shops - Shopping at it's best
Gl. Kongevej i København er en spændende gade med mange fine
shops. Jeg besøgte 2 af dem i går. Den ene var By Bonné (Gl. Kongevej 161, nedsiden er desværre nede p.t.) En sjov blanding af
møbler, mindre interiør-ting og tøj. Ejeren køber selv ind i Berlin og
Frankrig, hvilket er tydeligt. Der er ting, som man ikke finder i andre shops.
I øjeblikket er der 50% på mange varer, fordi der skal gøres plads til nogle
Gl. Kongevej in Copenhagen is an exiting street with a lot of fine shops. I visited two of them yesterday. The first one was By Bonné (Gl. Kongevej 161, the homepage is unfortunately not working right now). A good mixture of furniture, other interior items, and clothes. The owner goes to Berlin and France to buy things, which is quite obvious. You will find things there, which you will not find in other shops. At the moment there is a 50% sale on lots of the goods to make room for alterations.
Mumuland her var den næste forretning, som faldt i min smag.
Meget charmerende og bestemt et sted at anbefale, hvis man står og mangler en
speciel gave. Der var store og små ting i dejlige pastelfarver. Jeg har spotted
et par ting, som jeg bare skal ind og have inden påske, bl.a. de små får.
Mumuland was the next shop, which ‘pulled’ me in. Very charming and definitely a place I can recommend if you need a special gift. There were big and small things in lovely pastel colors. I have spotted a couple of tings, which I just have to go back to buy before Easter, i.e. the small lambs.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Fashion Power Personality!
I dag havde jeg tænkt mig at skrive om to fine små shops, som jeg er faldet
over, men det må simpelthen vente til næste blog! Fordi midt i denne grå menneskemasse på
Strøget så jeg dette ...
Today it was my intention to tell about two great little shops, I have found, but it simply has to wait to the next blog! Because in the middle of this grey mass of people at the pedestrian street, Stroeget, I saw this ...
Denne fantastiske
pige forsvandt ind i en forretning, og en gruppe unge mennesker kom ud og
stirrede efter hende. Fuldt forståeligt. De smilede også - smil, der sagde
'Respekt'! Jeg måtte bare standse hende og tage et billede mere, som I kan se,
og jeg ville gerne have taget rigtig mange, men alle standsede op, og det var
måske lidt for meget opmærksomhed. Men hvor ville det hele dog være meget mere
festligt, hvis der var flere, inklusiv mig selv, der ville gøre lidt mere ud
af, hvordan vi gerne ville vise vores personlighed. Jeg kan kun sige, at selv
uden nitter og læder: You rock, Girl!
This fantastic girl went into a shop, and a group of
youngsters came out and stared at her back. Quiet understandable. They also
smiled - a smile which said 'Respect'! I just had to stop her and take a photo
more, as you can see, and I would have liked to take a lot more, but everybody
stopped, and maybe that was a little too much attention. But wouldn't it be a
lot more fun and festive, if more people, including myself, would pay a little
more attention to how we want our personality to show. All I can say that even
without studs and leather: You rock, Girl!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Triplex lampen - Pixar? - The Triplex Lamp
Så står den her. Min lampe. Fuldstændig svarende til mine forventninger. Med lækre detaljer. På en eller anden måde minder den mig om lampen i Pixar filmen Luxo jr. fra 1986. Elegant - og sød. Men den er fra Sverige. Læs historien om hvordan Triplex blev til og om de mennesker, der laver den her .
Now it is here. My lamp. Totally living up to my expectations. With elegant details. In a way it reminds me of Luxo jr. in the Pixar movie from 1986. Elegant - and cute. But it is from Sweden. Read the story about how Triplex is made and about the couple, who makes it here
Now it is here. My lamp. Totally living up to my expectations. With elegant details. In a way it reminds me of Luxo jr. in the Pixar movie from 1986. Elegant - and cute. But it is from Sweden. Read the story about how Triplex is made and about the couple, who makes it here
Monday, February 11, 2013
Nu er den her! - It is here!
Nu - endelig - har jeg fået den i hus. Min lampe. Den lampe, som jeg allerede talte om i slutningen af oktober, se her. Og den var værd at vente på. Nu skal den bare samles, så skal I nok få den at se.
Now - finally - I have got it. My lamp. The lamp, which I already talked about at the end of October, here. And it was worth waiting for. Now all I have to do is to put it together, then you will see it.
Flotte detaljer - Fantastic details
Now - finally - I have got it. My lamp. The lamp, which I already talked about at the end of October, here. And it was worth waiting for. Now all I have to do is to put it together, then you will see it.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Copenhagen in the Snow
Jeg kom til København i dag, og det var lidt specielt. Der var ikke så mange mennesker i gaderne på grund af sneen, men der var masser af smil, og stemningen var ikke så hektisk som normalt. Nice.
I did go to Copenhagen today, and it was a bit special. There were not much people in the streets due to the snow, but there were lots of smiles, and the atmosphere was not as hectic as usual. Nice.
Købmagergade - Big pedestian streets
Style is knowing who you are & NOT give a danm
Et band med en fantastisk lyd - A band with a great sound
Hare Krishna uddeler hjemmebagte småkager
Hare Krishna is offering home baked cookies
Dagens høst: Kaffe, en bog (Jeg er stor fan af Banksy), en spirituel Hare Krishna-kage og en mønt med et flag!
Todays 'harvest!: Coffee, a book (I'm a big fan of Banksy), a spiritual Hare Krishna-cookie and a coin with a flag!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Copenhagen Tomorrow
Uanset vejr eller vind så skal jeg til København i morgen. Arbejde og sygdom har spændt ben for mig i lang tid, men i morgen er der ingen vej tilbage! Jeg behøver så meget en bytur. Men først fredags-hygge.
I will go to Copenhagen tomorrow no matter what kind of weather it will be. Work and flu have obstructed this for quite a while, but tomorrow there is no way back! I need so much a trip to the city. But first Friday night mood.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
En belønning - A Reward
Efter 3 dage horisontalt i sengen og første arbejdsdag på højkant
skulle der lidt belønning til. Dejlige druer, store dadler og stærkt gule
roser. Jeg elsker sort, hvidt, gråt - og i modsætning til mange mennesker
elsker jeg også gult. Jeg er ligeglad med, at det er falskhedens farve. For mig
signalerer den forår og varme.
After 3 days in horizontally in bed and the first day
vertically at work I needed a reward. Wonderful grapes, big dates and warm
yellow roses. I love blacks, whites, greys - and in contrast to a lot of people
I also love yellow. I don't care that it is called the color of falseness. For
me it signals spring and warmth.
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