When my father died, I found a piece of paper among this things. I have kept it because it tells me so much about, how positive my father was. He could always make the best out of a situation: "You only live well, when you stop the desire to live better. It is all about enjoying what you have, instead of longing for what you might be able to get. The need to obtain belongings is really a virus, which drains the soul for contentment. Some people never earns enough, some people are never beautiful enough, the clothes is never quite new enough, the house is never furnished smart enough, the food is never exciting enough. You can get to a point where the only way out is to jump of the roller coaster and say: Enough! Now I have to deal with what I have got. What I get out that is entirely up to me." So the ball is in your courtyard. Do you want more, or do you want to feel better?
Monday, April 29, 2013
Da min far døde, fandt jeg blandt hans ting et stykke papir, som jeg har gemt, fordi det fortæller mig så meget om, hvor positiv min far var. Han kunne altid se det bedste i situationen:" Man lever kun godt, når man holder op med at ville leve bedre. Det gælder om at nyde det, man har, i stedet for at længes efter det, man måske kunne få. Trangen til at anskaffe sig ting er i virkeligeheden en virus, der tapper sjælen for tilfredshed. Nogen tjener aldrig nok, nogen er aldrig smukke nok, tøjet er aldrig nyt nok, huset aldrig møbleret godt nok, maden aldrig spændende nok. Man kan nå et punkt, hvor den eneste redning er at springe af den rullende trappe og sige: Så er det nok! Nu må jeg klare mig med det, jeg har. Hvad jeg får ud af det, afhænger helt og holdent af mig selv." Så du har bolden! Vil du have mere, eller vil du have det bedre?
When my father died, I found a piece of paper among this things. I have kept it because it tells me so much about, how positive my father was. He could always make the best out of a situation: "You only live well, when you stop the desire to live better. It is all about enjoying what you have, instead of longing for what you might be able to get. The need to obtain belongings is really a virus, which drains the soul for contentment. Some people never earns enough, some people are never beautiful enough, the clothes is never quite new enough, the house is never furnished smart enough, the food is never exciting enough. You can get to a point where the only way out is to jump of the roller coaster and say: Enough! Now I have to deal with what I have got. What I get out that is entirely up to me." So the ball is in your courtyard. Do you want more, or do you want to feel better?
When my father died, I found a piece of paper among this things. I have kept it because it tells me so much about, how positive my father was. He could always make the best out of a situation: "You only live well, when you stop the desire to live better. It is all about enjoying what you have, instead of longing for what you might be able to get. The need to obtain belongings is really a virus, which drains the soul for contentment. Some people never earns enough, some people are never beautiful enough, the clothes is never quite new enough, the house is never furnished smart enough, the food is never exciting enough. You can get to a point where the only way out is to jump of the roller coaster and say: Enough! Now I have to deal with what I have got. What I get out that is entirely up to me." So the ball is in your courtyard. Do you want more, or do you want to feel better?
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Konfirmation - Confirmation
Jeg har været i kirke i dag, fordi en af mine venners søde datter blev konfirmeret. En stor dag for alle. Højtidelig ceremoni, smukt tøj, smukke unge mennesker, stor fest, mange gaver. Man kan ikke lade være med at ønske alle disse - ja, undskyld, men ... børn alt godt fremover. For nu starter det voksne livs udfordringer. Men i dag er udelukkende en festdag. Gid at de må få gode liv.
I have been to church today, because the sweet daughter of one of my friends was confirmed. A big day for everybody. A beautiful ceremony, beautiful clothes, beautiful young people, a big party, many gifts. You just have to wish all these - well, sorry, but ... kids everything good in the future. Because now the adult challenges start. But today is party only. I wish them all good lives.
Friday, April 26, 2013
St.Bededag og espresso - Holiday and Espresso
Store Bededag - en af de dage, hvor man føler, at man får et lille feriepust, selvom det ville have været dejligt, hvis vejret havde været lidt varmere, men en fridag er jo altid godt. I går fik jeg en lille gave, som jeg blev så begejstret for. Det sødeste lille espresso-krus. Begejstringen skyldes, at der er et ordentlig øre på, hvilket der meget ofte ikke er på espresso-kopper og som derfor ofte er svære at håndtere - og så at det er min yndlingsfarve. Iøvrigt lavet af Le Creuset. Måske skal der købes nogle stykker af den slags?
Danish Public Holiday - Big Prayer Day - one of the days when you feel a small hint of holiday, even though it would have been nice if the weather had bin a little warmer, but a day off is always good. Yesterday I had a small present, which made me very happy. It is the sweetest small espresso mug. The happines comes from that it has a regular ear, which most espresso cups haven't and therefore often is difficult to handle - and then it is my favorite color. Made by Le Creuset. Maybe I just need a few more of these?
Danish Public Holiday - Big Prayer Day - one of the days when you feel a small hint of holiday, even though it would have been nice if the weather had bin a little warmer, but a day off is always good. Yesterday I had a small present, which made me very happy. It is the sweetest small espresso mug. The happines comes from that it has a regular ear, which most espresso cups haven't and therefore often is difficult to handle - and then it is my favorite color. Made by Le Creuset. Maybe I just need a few more of these?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Georg Jensen Sølv - Georg Jensen Silver
Jeg har været hos Georg Jensen. Jeg har dog ikke købt ind på egne vegne, men derfor var det alligevel en god oplevelse. At handle for andres penge er også ok! Men det her handler ikke om design, hvilket måske virker lidt underligt, når jeg nu har været hos Georg Jensen. Det handler om god service. Og det giver de derinde. De ansatte føler for produkterne og giver professionel service på en meget varm og personlig måde. Jeg sludrede med en sød ekspedient, der fortalte, at hun, når hun får kig på noget, hun ønsker sig, så venter hun, og venter og venter, kigger på tingen, bliver sikker - og så køber hun. Hun kommer garanteret til at blive ejer af nogle holdbare dejlige ting med den indstilling. Så jeg fik professionel hjælp og en god snak. Selv indpakningen er noget helt for sig selv. Enkel og elegant. Georg Jensen Sølv er en gennemført oplevelse.
I visited Georg Jensen Silver today. I wasn't there to buy for myself, but it was quite nice anyway. To shop for other people's money is fine! But this is not about design, which might be a bit strange, now I was at Georg Jensen of all places. It is all about good service. And that is what you get there. The employees care about the products they sell and give professional service in a very warm and personal way. I talked with one of the girls, who told me that she, when she wants something, waits, and waits, and waits, until she is sure - and then she buys. She will for sure become the owner of great things with that attitude. So I had got god advice and a good talk. Even the wrapping is in a class of it's own. Simple and classy. Georg Jensen Silver is a complete experience.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Fra Chanel til lakrids - From Chanel to Licorice
Jeg lovede at komme tilbage til, hvad jeg havde købt i lørdags. Jeg købte espresso, som jeg drikker nu, et glas mandelcreme fra Summerbird, som er fantastisk og kan bruges i stedet for Nutella (som også er dejligt). Det er blevet foræret væk som værtindegave. Lækker lakrids fra Bülow, som udgjorde weekend-slikket - og som er spist! Bogen, som jeg er begyndt at læse. En base øjenskygge fra Chanel,en Mac mascara, der ikke klumper, holder pæn hele dagen og tryller vipperne længere. Og endelig et par boxe fra Nomess, som jeg er stor tilhænger af. De findes i alle størrelser til alle formål, ser lækre ud og gør det let at holde orden. De kan købes mange steder, se dem her. Nu lægger jeg nogle småting i dem, og så skal de bruges til gaver.
I promised to tell what I bought Saturday. Espresso, which I am drinking now, a glass of almond creme from Summerbird, which is fantastic and can be used as Nutella (which also is great). It was a small gift for a friend. Delicious licorice from Bulow, which was the weekend candy - and is already eaten! The book, which I have started reading. A base eyeshadow from Chanel, a mascara from Mac, which doesn't smudge, stays on all day and makes the lashes longer. Finally a couple of boxes from Nomess, which I am a big fan of. They come in all sizes for all purposes, looks elegant and makes it easy to keep order. They can be bought a lot of places, see them here. I am going to put a few small items in them and use them as gifts.
I promised to tell what I bought Saturday. Espresso, which I am drinking now, a glass of almond creme from Summerbird, which is fantastic and can be used as Nutella (which also is great). It was a small gift for a friend. Delicious licorice from Bulow, which was the weekend candy - and is already eaten! The book, which I have started reading. A base eyeshadow from Chanel, a mascara from Mac, which doesn't smudge, stays on all day and makes the lashes longer. Finally a couple of boxes from Nomess, which I am a big fan of. They come in all sizes for all purposes, looks elegant and makes it easy to keep order. They can be bought a lot of places, see them here. I am going to put a few small items in them and use them as gifts.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Lørdagsshopping om fredagen - Saturday's Shopping on a Friday
Jeg var nødt til at tage ind til København, og som det fremgår af tidligere indlæg, er det ikke noget, jeg er ked af. Tværtimod. Men jeg har andre planer i weekenden, så jeg var virkelig effektiv her til aften og fik købt de ting, som jeg skulle have. Det blev faktisk til den ret meget! Jeg købte bl.a. kaffe (Nespresso har en sæson-espresso, der hedder Trieste, som jeg bare måtte have noget af!) og nu skal jeg snart have en kop sammen med en scone af Meyer's. De absolut bedste. Jeg købte også make-up, lakrids, en bog og gaver. Men dem ser I senere. Nu er det fredags-afslapning!
I had to go to Copenhagen, and that isn't something that I am unhappy about, which probably has come to your knowledge already. On the contrary. But I have other plans for the weekend, so I was reallly effective tonight and bought the things I needed. It was actually quite a lot. I.e. I bought coffee (Nespresso has a new season espresso, called Trieste, which I just had to buy after tasting) and now I am going to have a cup together with a scone from Meyer's. Have never tasted better scones. I also bought make-up, a book, licorice and some gifts. But I will show you that later. Now it is Friday night relaxation!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
At have travlt - To be busy
Jeg har et udklip hængende på min væg på arbejde, der siger: "Stop the glorification of busy" - hold op med at forherlige travlhed! Det er måske en en lille provokation, for jeg går jo på arbejde for at yde noget og får en løn for det. Men jeg går ikke på arbejde for at arbejde mig sønder og sammen, så der ikke er noget tilbage af mig selv - til mig selv. Jeg har besluttet, at jeg vil også have et liv udenfor arbejde, for jeg er meget mere end en smart titel, selvom det betyder, at jeg aldrig bliver chef. Men hvor vigtigt er det også? Er det ikke bedre at være nogen, end at være noget? En titel er alt for skrøbelig at læne sig op ad. Hvad ville du svare, hvis nogen spurgte dig om, hvem du er - og du ikke måtte fortælle, hvad du arbejder med? Hvem ville du være, hvis du ikke havde en titel af noget art?
I have a poster pinned on my wall at work which says: "Stop the glorification of Busy". Perhaps a bit of a provocation, because of course I go to work to do a job and get a salary. But I don't go to work to work myself to pieces with nothing left of myself - for myself. I have decided to have a good life outside work, because I am so much more that just a fancy title, even that it means that I will never become a managing director. But how important is that? Isn't it better to be someone, than to be something? A title is much to fragile to lean on. What would you answer, if somebody asked you, who you are - and you weren't allowed to say what your work with? Who would you be, if you had no title of any kind?
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Sneakers eller høje hæle - Sneakers or High Heels
Jeg synes, at det er så flot, når jeg ser en kvinde, der kan gå ordentligt i højhælede sko. Men helt ærligt, de er få, og når man bor i Danmark, hvor vi har så mange brosten, er det ikke lige hverdags-skoen, og mit liv er mest til sneakers. I fredags var jeg lidt på afveje, det vil sige, at jeg var et sted, hvor jeg normalt ikke kommer, så jeg var ikke i købe-mode. Bare på orienteringstur! Det endte med disse fantastisk bløde sneakers af et mærke, som jeg ikke kender, men det er som at have sokker på - og så til halv pris. Hvor heldig kan man være?!
I think that it is great to see a woman, who really can walk in high heels. But quite honestly, not many can, and when you live in Denmark, where we have so many streets with cobbled stones, it is not the everyday choice to wear very high heals, and sneakers are created for for my kind of life. Friday I was a bit away from my well known neighborhood, so I wasn't in shopping mode. Just observing! Which ended with that I am the owner of these fantastic soft sneakers of a brand, I don't know. But it like wearing thick socks - at half price. How lucky can you get?!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Coddington & Vreeland
Det er weekend, og jeg har planlagt ikke at have nogen planer, men at lade weekenden 'komme til mig'. Og dog! I går skrev jeg, at jeg var færdig med Vogue, men det er jeg jo ikke helt. Gammel kærlighed ruster aldrig, og den opmærksomme læser ville have spottet de 2 orange bøger i min reol. De venter på at blive læst. Den ene er Grace Coddington's A Memoir, historien om amerikanske Vogue's fantastiske fashion editor. Den anden bog er af Diana Vreeland, editor-in-chief of Vogue og fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar. Så jeg vil sidde i min gamle, udtrådte jeans og hygge mig med historierne om 2 af modeverdenens store damer. Hvad er jeres planer?
It is weekend, and I have planned not to plan anything, but just let the weekend 'come to me'. And yet! Yesterday I wrote that I was done with Vogue, but I am really not. Old love never dies, and the observant reader will have spotted the 2 orange books in my book case. They are waiting to get read. The big one is A Memoir of Grace Coddington, American Vogue's fantastic fashion editor. The other book is by Diana Vreeland, editor-in-chief of Vogue, and fashion editor of Harper's Bazaar. So I am going to sit wearing my old worn jeans and have a good time with the stories about 2 of the fashion world's great ladies. What are your plans?
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Mine 10 år med Vogue - My 10 years with Vogue
Nu er det sket. Jeg fortalte i januar, at jeg har abonneret på amerikanske Vogue i 10 år. Det vil sige, at jeg havde 120 eksemplarer. Havde, for det har jeg ikke mere. Jeg har endelig downsized samlingen til at udgøre marts og september udgaverne, som er de store, og jeg har det rigtig godt med det. Jeg har også opsagt min abonnement, så tak for 10 års mode-inspiration. Nu må jeg må videre. Jeg skal finde ny inspiration.
It has been done. As I told in January, I have had a subscription for American Vogue for 10 years. Which meant that I had 120 issues. Had! Because I don't have that anymore. I have finally downsized the collection to keep the March and September issues only, the big ones, and I feel really good about it. I have also stopped my subscription. Thanks for 10 years of fashion inspiration. I have to move on. I have to find new inspiration.
It has been done. As I told in January, I have had a subscription for American Vogue for 10 years. Which meant that I had 120 issues. Had! Because I don't have that anymore. I have finally downsized the collection to keep the March and September issues only, the big ones, and I feel really good about it. I have also stopped my subscription. Thanks for 10 years of fashion inspiration. I have to move on. I have to find new inspiration.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Farvesplash i køkkenet - Colorsplash in the Kitchen
Jeg er kommet i forårshumør her hjemme. Hele mit hjem er holdt i en meget behersket farveskala, men nu faldt jeg bare for noget. Min el-kedel var gået i stykker, og så tog jeg springet og købte en med 'lidt' farve på. Jeg elsker gult og grønt (påskefarver!), så nu skulle det være, og jeg bliver glad, hver gang jeg ser på den. Og i aften skal den afprøves sammen med drikke-chokoladen fra Hotel Chocolat, som kan findes her. Det er et sted, der bestemt er værd at besøge, hvis man er chokolade-elsker.
I am in spring mood at home. My home is held in a very controlled color scale, but now I just fell for something. My electric kettle was broken, and then I took the leap to buy something with a 'little bit' of color. I love yellow and green ( Easter colors!), so now was the time, and I get thrilled, every time I look at it. Tonight it will be tested together with the drinking chocolate from Hotel Chocolat, which you can find here. Definitively a place worth visiting, if you are a chocolate lover.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Forår i København? - Spring in Copenhagen?
Næææh! Det er måske lige tidligt nok, men stemningen var der. Masser af mennesker, musikere, hunde og børn, der leger. Vi øver os. Foråret er på vej!
Flotte sko og flotte ben - Pretty shoes and pretty legs
Richaws and Copenhagen Pix Festival
Masser af musik - Lots of Music
Hundehilsen - Dogs saying Hello
Børn, der leger - Children playing
Naah! Maybe it is just a bit too early, but the mood was there. Lots of people, musicians, dogs, and children playing. We are rehersing. Spring is on the way!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Sol og stål - Sunshine and Steel
Selvom det stadig er hamrende koldt, varmer solen lidt. Og den laver også nogle fantastiske skygger. Sol og stål.
Even if it still is blistering cold, the sun has started warming a bit. And it also makes fantastic shadows. Sun and steel.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Pyjamas til min undulat Elvis - Pyjamas for my Budgie Elvis
Jeg har næsten hele mit liv haft fugle. Mest mindre papegøjer og undulater. Nu har jeg en undulat ved navn Elvis. Han har et 'sove-dækken'. Da jeg her i påsken kiggede rundt i min lejlighed, så jeg, at det dækken måske var en smule outdated :-) for at sige det mildt. Så jeg gik på jagt efter noget stof, der passede bedre, syede det i rettelse størrelse - og vupti, ny pyjamas til Elvis. Hvis nogen er i tvivl, er det stoffet til højre.
Det nye dækken er det til højre - The new cover is the one on the right
I have had birds almost all my life. Mainly small parrots and budgies. Now I have a budgie named Elvis. He has a 'sleep'-cover. During the Easter Holidays I took a look around in my flat, and I realized that the cover maybe was a bit outdated :-) to put it mildly. So I went fabric hunting, and found something which fit in a lot better, sewed it in the right size - woopy, new pyjamas for Elvis. If anyone's in doubts, it is the fabric to the right.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Taske-rydning - Bag Cleaning
Jeg har ryddet ud i mine tasker, og som sædvanligt har jeg givet dem til en 2nd hand shop. Så er jeg fri for alt arbejdet med at svare på forespørgsler, sms'er osv, så hellere forære dem væk, så de kan blive solgt, og så pengene går til noget godt. Så nu har jeg følgende tilbage og føler mig fuldt dækket ind:
I have cleaned out in my bag collection, and as usual I gave them to to a 2nd hand shop. Then I don't have all the work answering questions, texts - so rather give them away, so they can be sold and the money goes to a good purpose. So now I have the above bags left, and I feel fully covered.
From right: LaCoste, a solid bag, brown Mulberry clutch, Mandarina Duck Tank, the soft Liebeskind, and the Spanish blue bag from Cats
I love them all!
Nothing can make me sell this bag - as beaten as it is. It's my favorite
- and a bumbag, my concert bag!
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