Jeg gik rundt i 2 timer, og jeg er helt klar over, at jeg kommer til at bruge mange flere timer der. Jeg har været der før, men det har været i gruppe med andre, og jeg opdagede, hvor godt det er selv at bestemme tempoet.
Jeg har to veninder, som jeg tager på udstillinger med, og det er helt fint. Vi kommer samlet, går rundt i vores eget tempo, taler lidt sammen ind i mellem, når vi gerne vil gøre hinanden opmærksomme på noget, men 'summer' hver for sig, indtil vi er ude igen og skal have noget at spise. Så deler vi vores oplevelser.
Under mit besøg i sidste uge faldt jeg for 3 malerier af helt forskellig slags, som jeg vil udforske lidt mere ved næste besøg. Malerier, som sagde mig noget. Endnu ved jeg ikke hvad. Måske var det motivet, måske farverne, måske malemåden, jeg ved det ikke, men det vil jeg finde ud af - måske.
I got a lot of good presents for my birthday. A friend gave me a season pass for The National Gallery of Denmark , and last week I was there to have the pass issued.
I went around for about 2 hours, and I am quite sure, that I will spend a lot of time there. I have been there before, but only in groups, and I discovered, how good it is to walk around in your own pace.
I have two friends, I go to exhibitions with, and that works fine. We go in together, walk around alone, talk a bit now and then, if we want to make the others aware of something, but mainly keep to ourselves, until we are out and need something to eat. Then we share our experiences.
During this visit this week I fell for 3 paintings of totally different styles, which I want to explore some more. Paintings which rang a bell in me. I don't know why. Maybe it was the motife, maybe the colors, the technique, I don't know, but I will find out - maybe.
Raoul Dufy - Love it!
Dette billede gjorde stort indtryk på mig. Det er af Erik Henningsen, er fra 1892 og hedder Sat Ud
This painting made a big impression on me. It is by Erik Henningsen, from 1892 and is called Evicted
Se denne detalje af den lille pige. Se angsten i hendes øjne!
See the detail of the little girl. See the fear in her eyes!
På broen mellem den gamle og den nye afdeling.
On the bridge between the old and the new section of the gallery.
I got a lot of good presents for my birthday. A friend gave me a season pass for The National Gallery of Denmark , and last week I was there to have the pass issued.
I went around for about 2 hours, and I am quite sure, that I will spend a lot of time there. I have been there before, but only in groups, and I discovered, how good it is to walk around in your own pace.
I have two friends, I go to exhibitions with, and that works fine. We go in together, walk around alone, talk a bit now and then, if we want to make the others aware of something, but mainly keep to ourselves, until we are out and need something to eat. Then we share our experiences.
During this visit this week I fell for 3 paintings of totally different styles, which I want to explore some more. Paintings which rang a bell in me. I don't know why. Maybe it was the motife, maybe the colors, the technique, I don't know, but I will find out - maybe.
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