Jeg er blevet interviewet til et blad! Det var en sjov oplevelse. Når man skal sætte ord på ting, som man normalt 'bare' har i sig, skal man virkelig tænke sig om, og så er man alligevel ikke sikker på, om man har formået at udtrykke sig, så modtageren hører det, man mener.
Jeg blev også fotograferet. Det var lidt lettere, fordi det var en fantastisk dygtig fotojournalist, der hundsede rundt med mig. Han vidste lige præcis, hvad han ville. Han hedder Nikolai Linares, se hans billeder her.
Billederne blev tages udendørs, og jeg skulle gå rundt og tage billeder selv. Det kom der ikke ret meget godt ud af, men her er et foto af lidt af en flot graffiti.
I have been interviewed for a magazine. That was a fun experience. When you have to put words to the ideas, you normally 'just' carry around with, you really have to think, and still you cannot be sure about, if you have expressed yourself in a way, that makes the receiver hear, what you really are trying to say.
The photo journalist also took photos. That was actually quite easy, because he had an exact idea about, how to push me around. He was very good and his name is Nikolai Linares, see his photos here. So a great day with a new experience.
The photos were taken outside, and I should walk around pretending to take photos. It didn't give very good results, but here is a photo of a nice graffiti.
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