OK! Lad det komme an på en prøve! Hvad trænger du til?
Ny parfume eller andre make-up artikler?
Kig i dit skab og dine skuffer og se, hvor meget du har liggende i forvejen. Det giver dig samtidig en mulighed for at rydde alle gamle produkter ud. Men trænger du reelt til mere?
Tag lige og kig ind i klædeskabet, før du kaster dig ind i en tøjforretning. Du har sikker en masse, som du ikke bruger (det er selvfølgelig bare en påstand fra min side!). Måske er der nogle ting som vil forekomme nye, hvis du tager dem i brug.
Jeg ønsker mig en køkkenmaskine, men jeg køber den ikke, for jeg har ikke plads, og jeg klarer mig jo ganske fint uden. Jeg vil hellere have min bordplads fri, og jeg er sikker på, at den ikke vil tjene sine penge hjem, hvis jeg skal hente den ud af et skab, hver gang jeg kunne bruge den. Jeg er heller ikke sikker på, om jeg reelt har så stort et behov, at den er værd at investere i lige nu.
Tallerkner, glas og kaffekrus? Har vi ikke alle sammen det allerede?
Alle store indkøb, der skal holde i mange år, skal købes efter nøje overvejelse. Hvis man har overvejet en bestemt ting i den kategori, som nu er nedsat, så skal man købe. Men som sagt i går, hvis ikke man kan få præcis den ting, man ønsker - så skal man gå hjem uden noget. Man bliver aldrig rigtig glad for en erstatning. Og husk, at hvis du er heldig at købe et ønskemøbel, så skal noget ryge ud, hvis ikke pladsen skal blive trang.
Forråd af enhver art?
Det er der overhovedet ingen grund til at købe. Der kommer altid flere tilbud. Også til hverdag.
Sengetøj, håndklæder og lignende?
Igen, se hvad du har i gemmerne først. Der ligger ofte noget, som vi har gemt (og glemt) bagerst i skabet.
Nyt tv eller anden elektronik?
Lad være! Jeg vil vædde med, at dit tv er udmærket, hvis du altså har et, og udsendelserne bliver ikke bedre, fordi du køber et nyt tv. Ny telefon - puh! Nej, heller ikke. Nyt af denne slags tager bare din totale opmærksom i den næste uges tid fra samvær med andre, mens du får orden på alle apps og telefonnumre - og så bliver det hverdag og u-interessant igen. Spildt tid!
Køb kun, når du virkelig har brug for noget. Det er dig, der styrer det ræs..., hvis du altså vil tage styringen! Og vil du ikke spare flere penge ved ikke at købe end ved at købe noget, du - måske - ikke har brug for alligevel?
Så hvad er det egentlig, du har så vanvittigt brug for? Er du sikker på, at det ikke bare reklamerne, der råber KØB! KØB!
I have received some arguments for, that Black Friday is a good day to buy, if you want to save money.
OK! Let's test that! What do you need?
A new perfume or other make-up products?
Take a look in you bathroom cabinet or drawers to check, how much you have lying around. It will at the same time give you the possibility to toss old products. But do you really need more?
Take a look in your closet, before you run towards a fashion shop. You probably have a lot, which you don't use (this is just an assertion from my side!). Maybe there are some pieces, which will appear new, if you start using them.
Kitchen appliances?
I want a big kitchen machine, but I will not buy it, because I haven't got the space, and I manage pretty good without. I will rather have my table top free from stuff, and I am sure, that I will not feel that my money is well spent, if I have to take it out of a cabinet, every time I am going to use it. At the same time I am not sure, that I really have such a big need for it, that it is worth investing in right now.
Plates, glasses, coffee mugs? Haven't we all got that already?
All big purchases, which are going to last for many years, should only be bought after careful consideration. If you have considered something in this category, which now is sold at a reduced price, you should buy. But as said yesterday, if you don't get exactly, what you want, you must go home with nothing. You will never really become happy about a substitute. And also remember, if you are lucky to get your favorite piece, something else have to go, if you don't want your space to get eaten up.
Food of any kind?
No reason to buy anything. New offers will always come. Also on an ordinary day.
Bedlinen, towels etc.?
Again, take a look in your closets first. Often we have something lying around, which we have hidden (and forgotten) way back in the closet.
All big purchases, which are going to last for many years, should only be bought after careful consideration. If you have considered something in this category, which now is sold at a reduced price, you should buy. But as said yesterday, if you don't get exactly, what you want, you must go home with nothing. You will never really become happy about a substitute. And also remember, if you are lucky to get your favorite piece, something else have to go, if you don't want your space to get eaten up.
Food of any kind?
No reason to buy anything. New offers will always come. Also on an ordinary day.
Bedlinen, towels etc.?
Again, take a look in your closets first. Often we have something lying around, which we have hidden (and forgotten) way back in the closet.
A new TV or other kind of electronic appliances?
Don't! I bet, that you TV is fine, if you have one, and the shows don't get any better, because you buy a new one. New phone - phew! No, don't do that either. New stuff of this kind just takes up your total attention for the next week or so from the company of others, while you get in control of all your apps, phone numbers and photos - and then it becomes normal, boring everyday life again. Waste of time!
Only buy, when you need something - bad. You are the one in control... that is, if you want to be in control. And will you not save more money not buying anything, than buying something which you - maybe - don't need anyway?
So what is it, that you need so bad? Are you sure, that it isn't the influence of advertisements yelling BUY! BUY!
Don't! I bet, that you TV is fine, if you have one, and the shows don't get any better, because you buy a new one. New phone - phew! No, don't do that either. New stuff of this kind just takes up your total attention for the next week or so from the company of others, while you get in control of all your apps, phone numbers and photos - and then it becomes normal, boring everyday life again. Waste of time!
Only buy, when you need something - bad. You are the one in control... that is, if you want to be in control. And will you not save more money not buying anything, than buying something which you - maybe - don't need anyway?
So what is it, that you need so bad? Are you sure, that it isn't the influence of advertisements yelling BUY! BUY!
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