Men det hjælper kun lidt, fordi alt det affald, vi afleverer, er produceret, og dermed for i hvert fald plastic's vedkommende vil være bestandigt under en eller anden form i årtusinder.
Jeg er blevet meget opmærksom på, især hvor meget plastic, der kommer ind i mit hjem, selvom jeg ikke ønsker det. Jeg har ikke mulighed for at shoppe i små forretninger, hvor man kan købe ting uden indpakning, fordi der ikke er nogen i nabolaget, og fordi jeg ikke har bil. Jeg har kun et stort supermarked, hvilket betyder, at jeg må købe mad i de forpakninger, det kommer.
Det er skræmmende, hvor meget skrald jeg 'producerer' i løbet af en uge. Er der nogen, der har gode forslag til, hvordan man undgår det?
Affald efter en søndagsmiddag - Trash after a Sunday meal
En uges 'samling' - One week's 'collection
Where I live, we are fortunate to have a container space close by, where we can put our metal trash, as well as plastic and cardboard in different containers, which are sent to disposal in a conscious way. And that is nice.
But it only helps very little, because the trash, we put there, already has been produced, and at least for plastic this means, that it will be in our surroundings in some way for thousands of years.
I have become very aware of, especially how much plastic, that comes into my home, even though I don't want it. I have no possibility to shop in small shops, where you can buy food without wrapping of some kind, because none is around, and I don't have a car. I only have a big super market, which means, that I have to buy food packed in the way, it comes.
It is scary, how much trash I 'produce' during a week. Is there anyone out there with good ideas, how to avoid this?
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