Jeg har alle dage haft 'allergi' overfor store logoer. Jeg vil bare ikke gå med t-shirts, hvor udsmykningen er et Armani-logo eller lignende og gør mig til et omvandrende reklameskilt.
Jeg vil heller ikke have en Vuitton monogram taske, selvom Vuitton laver gode ting, der holder så længe, at de kan gå i arv. Jeg har faktisk en Vuitton-taske i sort epi-læder, og der er et diskret logo præget i. Det ser man ikke, så det kan jeg godt leve med. Men når tingene begynder at råbe højt, så stiger jeg af.
Fordi jeg er gået helt i baglås over alle de ting, som jeg har købt og fået gennem tiden løb. Diverse Georg Jensen juleting, lysestager, kander og andet. Kaj Bojesen træfigurer, Eames fugle. Lyngby vaser. Altsammen temmelig dyre ting produceret i en lind strøm. Tænk bare, hvad mange penge der ligger bundet i de ting!
Når alt kommer til alt, er det jo bare masseproduktion fra Kina. Ydermere er mange af tingene genoptaget produktion af ting, som var (for alvor) nye for 70 år siden. Det er der ikke noget galt i, men uanset hvordan man ser på det, så er de ikke den ægte vare. De er kopier!
Jeg vil 1000 gange hellere have en gammel unavngiven vase, der har tilhørt min Mormor eller en gammel apoteker-flaske til blomster, end jeg vil have en vase, der har et 'navn' - en vase mangen til den, som min nabo har - og min underbo og min genbo!
Jeg gider ikke at eje det mere, så jeg er i gang med at sælge det alt sammen. Det er startet langsomt for ca. 1½ år siden, men jeg har egentlig først nu defineret, hvorfor jeg ikke ønsker at eje det:
I have always had an 'allergy' against big logos. I just cannot wear a t-shirt, where the decoration is an Armani logo or like wise, which makes me a walking advertising sign.
I don't want to own a Vuitton monogram bag, even though Vuitton makes good things, which last so long, that you can pass them on to the next generation. I actually own a Vuitton bag in black epi leather with a discret embossed logo. You don't see that, so that's ok. But when things begin yelling out loud, I'am off.
But why I am selling my designer things?
Because I feel deadlocked of all the things, which I have bought and been given through time. It is Georg Jensen Christmas ornaments, candle stick holders, jugs etc. Kaj Bojesen wood figures, Eames birds. Lyngby vases. All quite expensive products produced in a steady stream. Just think about how much money which is tied up in these product!
When we cut to the bone, all these things are just massed produced stuff from China. Furthermore a lot of them are new productions of things which were new 70 years ago. Nothing wrong about that, but no matter how you look at it, they are not the real thing. They are copies!
I will much rather own an old no-name vase, which belonged to my Grandmother, or an old pharmacist bottle for flowers, than I want to have a vase, everybody else have.
I don't want to own it anymore, so I am selling everything. It started out slowly about 1½ year ago, but I have only recently found out, why I don't want to have these things anymore.
They are not personal. They show nothing about, who I am, even though they take up space in my home. They just show the present trend - and last year's trend, which will be a new trend next year.
Have a great weekend!
I don't want to own a Vuitton monogram bag, even though Vuitton makes good things, which last so long, that you can pass them on to the next generation. I actually own a Vuitton bag in black epi leather with a discret embossed logo. You don't see that, so that's ok. But when things begin yelling out loud, I'am off.
But why I am selling my designer things?
Because I feel deadlocked of all the things, which I have bought and been given through time. It is Georg Jensen Christmas ornaments, candle stick holders, jugs etc. Kaj Bojesen wood figures, Eames birds. Lyngby vases. All quite expensive products produced in a steady stream. Just think about how much money which is tied up in these product!
When we cut to the bone, all these things are just massed produced stuff from China. Furthermore a lot of them are new productions of things which were new 70 years ago. Nothing wrong about that, but no matter how you look at it, they are not the real thing. They are copies!
I will much rather own an old no-name vase, which belonged to my Grandmother, or an old pharmacist bottle for flowers, than I want to have a vase, everybody else have.
I don't want to own it anymore, so I am selling everything. It started out slowly about 1½ year ago, but I have only recently found out, why I don't want to have these things anymore.
They are not personal. They show nothing about, who I am, even though they take up space in my home. They just show the present trend - and last year's trend, which will be a new trend next year.
Have a great weekend!
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