- Familien, som jeg elsker
- Gode venner, som jeg holder af
- Enkel mad, som man kan sidde og smovse længe over
- Masser af grin og dybe samtaler.
Intet er smukkere, og det er, hvad der skal være plads til hos mig. Så er resten ret ligegyldigt! - måske lige undtaget en god seng at sove i. Hvem behøver mere?
Rigtig god weekend!
I have just had - not quite a new - but a very well thought through design concept for my home. Not that I am going to change a lot. Maybe more that I am going to be a little more rigid about stuff. Because the design is
- My family, whom I love very much
- Good friend, I really appreciate
- Simple food, that you can enjoy eating for a long time
- Lots of laughter and deep conversations.
Nothing is more beautiful, and that is the design I want for my home. Because nothing else matters! - maybe except a good bed to sleep in. Who needs more?
Have a nice weekend!
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