Saturday, June 25, 2016

På Fyn, i midten af det hele - In Funen, In the Middle of Everything

På mini-ferie med mine favoritpersoner! Intet er bedre!
I Bogense på nordkysten af Fyn. Der er byfest, og midt i regnen var vi heldige at finde den bedste lille cafe, Cafe Solo med fantastisk betjening. De kunne sagtens lave bruch, så det passede til mindste favorit-person og gjorde det med et smil. Der var legetøj at få tiden til at gå med, så alle voksne kunne spise deres mad i fred og ro, og der var gratis bleer ved puslepladsen i badeværelset!
Kommer I der nogen sinde, så gå ind og oplev stemningen og de søde mennesker, der arbejder der.
Jeg er ikke sponseret til at skrive det her!

Det ser ikke ud af meget, men det er det!
It doesn't look much, but it is!

I am on a mini holiday with my favorite persons! Then it doesn't get any better.
We are in a city called Bogense on the North coast of Funen, which lies in the middle of Denmark right by the coast. It is a very idyllic place, and there is a city festival going on this weekend. When it started to rain, we were lucky to find a café, Café Solo, with the greatest service. They changed the brunch to suit the smallest favorite person and did it with a smile. There were toys, so grown ups could eat and relax, and there were free diapers in the bathroom.
If you ever come here, visit Café Solo, experience the mood and meet the sweet people working there.
P.s. I am not sponsored!

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