Jeg bliver så træt af den slags markedsføring. Ikke at den er ny. Slet ikke. Mange har forsøgt sig som designere eller lagt navn til. Ideen er: Køb et par sweatpants og bliv Jenny from the Block! Hallo venner! Hvor mange udgaver kan sweatpants laves i. To ben og en linning!
Men det virker sikkert. Ellers ville der garanteret ikke blive investeret i de kendtes navne, og vi ved jo godt, at det er ikke sangerne, modellerne og skuespillerne, der sidder og knokler med tegninger og stofprøver. Det knokler en hel bunke anonyme mennesker med, og derefter bliver det Made in China.
Lad dog være med at købe disse produkter! Hop af illusionsvognen, der hævder, at nye ting vil ændre dit liv, gøre dig smukkere og mere attraktiv. Ingen, der vil dig det godt, holder mindre af dig, fordi dine jeans ikke er det sidste ny, eller din øjenskygge er gårsdagens hit.
Invester i stedet din tid med præcis de mennesker, som er ligeglade med, hvordan dit hjem ser ud, eller hvordan du pakker din krop ind.
Der findes en meget værdifuld verden udenfor forbrug og nye stjerne-produkter.
New lifestyle for sale! Now you can buy a new lifestyle and live like Celine Dion, Beyonce, Gwyneth Paltrow and Reece Witherspoon. Because apparently your own lifestyle isn't good enough.
I get so tired of that kind of marketing. Not that it is new. Not at all. Many have tried out designing or at least borrowed somebody their name. The idea is: Buy a pair of sweatpants and become Jenny from the Block! Hello Friends! How many versions can a pair of sweatpants be made in. Two legs and a waistband!
But it probably works. Otherwise nobody would invest in the names of the stars, and we know very well, that it is not the singers, models or the actors, who are sitting working hard with drawings and swatches. It is a bunch of anonymous people slaving the job, and then it all is Made in China.
Don't buy these products! Jump off the wagon of illusions, which tells you, that new things will change your life, make you more beautiful and more attractive. Nobody, who wants the best for you, will love you less, because your jeans is last year's trend, or that your eye shadow is yesterday's news.
Invest you time with the persons, who don't care about, what you home looks like, or how you 'wrap' you body.
There is a much more valuable world outside consumerism and new star-product.
En side fra Alt for Damerne, som ikke har noget med emnet her at gøre
A page from a Danish Magazine, which has nothing to do with the subject here
I get so tired of that kind of marketing. Not that it is new. Not at all. Many have tried out designing or at least borrowed somebody their name. The idea is: Buy a pair of sweatpants and become Jenny from the Block! Hello Friends! How many versions can a pair of sweatpants be made in. Two legs and a waistband!
But it probably works. Otherwise nobody would invest in the names of the stars, and we know very well, that it is not the singers, models or the actors, who are sitting working hard with drawings and swatches. It is a bunch of anonymous people slaving the job, and then it all is Made in China.
Don't buy these products! Jump off the wagon of illusions, which tells you, that new things will change your life, make you more beautiful and more attractive. Nobody, who wants the best for you, will love you less, because your jeans is last year's trend, or that your eye shadow is yesterday's news.
Invest you time with the persons, who don't care about, what you home looks like, or how you 'wrap' you body.
There is a much more valuable world outside consumerism and new star-product.
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