Men nu kaster jeg mig ud i det med følelsen af
- at jeg måske slet ikke kan få min ide kanaliseret ud af hovedet og ned på papiret
- at jeg kommer til at lave det om 1000 gange
- at jeg kommer til at ødelægge det hele
- at min ide slet ikke kan realiseres
- at ideen er alt for ambitiøs og
- at jeg ikke er god nok til det, som jeg vil gøre nu.
Et vue fra den anden side af arbejdspladsen
A view from the other side of the work space
Now I have started the design of my new book! It gives me the shivers. The kind of shivers, which I always get, when I start at something new, and it makes me run around in circles for a really long time - because what if it doesn't work out!
But now I am starting with the feeling
- that I might not be able to get my idea from my head down to the paper
- that I will have to make 1000 attempts
- that I will ruin it all
- that my idea isn't possible
- that the idea is way too ambitious, and
- that I don't have the skills to do, what I am about to do.
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