Monday, January 5, 2015

Købestop dag 4 - Purchase Stop Day 4

I går gik jeg rundt blandt tusindvis af udsalgsvarer, og jeg havde åbenbart fået sat min hjerne på 'anti-køb', for det var slet ikke noget problem. Jeg var nærmest bare overvældet over udbuddet af varer, så jeg var glad, da vi gik videre for at spise middag.

Så dagens indkøb blev: Tyggegummi!

På vej ind til byen i metroen så jeg en kvinde, der var så 'underdressed', at jeg ikke kunne undgå af bemærke til det. Mørkeblå enkeltradet frakke, bordeaux halstørklæde (fra Acne), blækblå jeans og korte sorte støvler. Det hele osede af kvalitet. Og så toppede hun det med en ganske enkel Alexander Wang taske (uden nitter). Med den slags kvalitet behøver man ikke mange stykker tøj i garderoben.

Yesterday I went around between thousands of pieces of clothes on sale, and I had obviously succeeded putting my brain in 'anti-purchase' mode, because it was no problem. I was actually overwhelmed by the piles of clothes, so I was happy, when we went on for dinner.

The purchase of the day: Chewing gum!

On my way to the city in the Metro I saw a woman, who was dressed in the most elegantly understated way that you just couldn't help noticing it. She was wearing a dark blue coat, bordeaux scarf (from Acne), ink blue jeans and black short boots. The outfit was screaming quality. And a simple Alexander Wang bag (no studs) to finish the look! Very simple and very inspiring. With that kind of clothes you don't need a lot of different pieces in your wardrobe.

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