Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gamle venner - Old Friends

Gamle venner er guld værd! Ikke mindst dem, man møder en eller to gange om året, og hvor man så ikke føler, at der er gået noget tid siden sidst - bortset fra at man har en masse at fortælle hinanden. Sådan en ven har jeg været ude med i dag. Vi spiste en dejlig frokost på Granny's House i Søborg, . Et virkelig farverigt og anderledes sted med cafe og forretning, der sælger alt fra te-kopper til sæbe, frokost - og kager! Sådan et par timer er som at få en vitaminindsprøjtning.

Old friends are worth gold. Especially the ones you meet once or twice a year, and you feel that you haven't been away from each other at all - apart from the fact that you have loads to tell. I was out with a friend like that today. We had a wonderful lunch at Granny's House in Soeborg. He had found this really quirky colorful cafe combined with a shop, selling everything from tea cups to soap, lunch - and cakes! A couple of hours spent like that is like having a vitamin injection.

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