Friday, April 18, 2014

Børn og slik - Babies and Candy

Så har jeg passet det lille menneske, som nu ved, at flyvemaskiner er oppe i luften og siger hmmmm, og at småkager skal dyppes i mælk for at blive ekstra gode. Masser af energi og så total afslapning. Det er det, jeg gør nu, altså afslapning, og de glade forældre havde bio-slik med til mig, som er spist. Dejlig eftermiddag. Dejlig påske.

Now I am back from taking care of the little guy, who now knows that planes fly in the air and says hmmmm, and that cookies must be dipped in milk to become extra yummy. Lots of energy and then total relaxation. So that is what I am doing now - relaxing, and the happy parents had brought movie-candy back for me, which already has been consumed. Great afternoon, great Easter.

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