Efter ca. 60 timers hårdt fysisk og psykisk arbejde er min klient i mål. 88 store flyttekasser er blevet til 32 mindre plastickasser, 12 store kasser er kørt til genbrugsshoppen og 200 kg papir og andet er kørt til destruktion. Triumf! Det er virkelig flot gjort, og min klient har i den forløbne tid identificeret sit måde at samle ting på, hvilket for en stor del vil forhindre, at han falder tilbage i gamle vaner. For med professionel hjælp har han gjort arbejdet selv! Jeg er stolt af det, han har gjort, og jeg er sikker på, at han bare bliver mere og mere glad for det med tiden. Mission impossible er blev udført.
Er der nogen derude, der er lidt misundelig? - Anybody out there a bit envious?
Enkelt og effektivt - Simple and effective
Ting, der bruges ofte står på toppen - Things often used is on top
After approx. 50 hours of hard physical and mental work my client has reached the goal line. 88 big moving boxes have become 32 smaller plastic boxes, 12 big boxes has gone to the 2nd hand shop and 200 kg of paper and other stuff have been driven to the recycle place.Triumph! My client has really done a great job, and, and he has during this process identified his way of collecting things, which will help him further on not to repeat old habits. Because with professional support he has done the work himself! I am proud of what he has done, and I am sure that he will get more and more happy about it in time. Mission impossible has been performed.
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