Den eneste grund til, at de er indført, er ønsket om øget salg, og det er tankevækkende, at julesalget sidste år ikke blev mindre, da der blev reklameret virkelig agressivt for Black Friday, som ifølge statistikkerne var en stor 'succes'! Det er fantastisk, at man kan købe et hav af ting i november og stadig bruge lige så mange penge på julen som før - og endda mere til. Det må siges at være en kraftig forøgelse af forbruget, så reklamerne har virket!
Det er på tide, at vi spørger os selv, hvor meget vi vil være med til. Hvor meget vi vil følge 'traditioner' indstiftet af forretningsfolk med det ene formål at gavne salgskurven.
Øget forbrug er hverken godt for os, vores økonomi eller verden. Vi bliver ikke gladere af flere ting, men vi bliver med garanti mindre glade, hvis vi bruger flere penge, end vi tjener!
Og forretningslivet skal såmænd nok klare sig. Måske bliver investorerne ikke så hurtigt rige som før, men de overlever nok!
Så tænk nøje over indkøbene i oktober, november og december. De skulle helst ikke ødelægge økonomien langt ind i 2018.
Jeg har absolut ikke noget billede, der matcher emnet! - Sorry!
I have absolutely no photo, which match the subject! - Sorry!
Traditions can be old or new. Valentines Day and Halloween are relatively new traditions here in Denmark, and the newcomer is Black Friday.
The only reason that these traditions have be 'adopted' here is the wish for increased sales.
The advertising for Black Friday was really aggressive last year, which according to statistics was a huge 'success'! But it is thought-provoking, that Christmas sales last year didn't decrease accordingly. It is amazing, that you can buy a lot of stuff in November and still spend just as much money on Christmas as last year - and even more. That it is a large increase in consumption!
But leave it to the business world to claim the necessity of 'growth'. We don't have to follow the 'growth', if we don't want to. It is good to buy something, if you need it and the price is low, but to buy stuff just because it is cheap, is economically burdensome.
It is time, that we ask ourselves, how much we want to parcipate. How much we will follow 'traditions' implemented by business people with the single goal to raise the sales curve.
Increased consumption is not good for us, our economy or the world. We don't become happy owning more stuff, but we will with guarantee be less happy, if we spend more money, than we earn!
And the business world will make it anyway. Maybe the investors won't become rich as fast as before, but they will probably survive!
So think carefully about your purchases in October, November, and December. Don't ruin your economy in 2018 in advance.
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