Derfor ville jeg - til trods for årstiden - omplante en plante, som jeg har haft en masse år. Af en eller anden grund har jeg ikke set, at han (den er en han!) er groet ud af sin potte - jeg så det i hvert fald ikke før i går.
Så nu har han fået en større potte, og så må vi se, hvordan han reagerer på den. Måske går han i shock!
The week is lying in front of us, and I have already accomplished a lot this morning. I made some planning yesterday, and the sun is definitely helping me along, so now I go with the flow.
I am - in spite of the time of year - going to replant a plant, which I have had for many years. For some reason I haven't noticed, that he (it is a he!) has outgrown his pot - at least not before yesterday.
So now he has a bigger pot, and I am excited to see, how he will react. Maybe he will go into shock!
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