Jeg taler om at leve enkelt, minimalisme og dermed kommer generel oprydning, og der er mange steder, man kan rydde op. I sit hus. På sin arbejdsplads. I sin taske. I bilen. I kalenderen o.s.v. Alt sammen medvirker til at give ro og overskud.
Men der er et sted, der er svært af rydde op i. Det er vores tilgang til nyheder.
Alle taler om, at de vil lukke ned for computeren/Ipad'en/telefonen, fordi det forstyrrer, og det er de færreste, der gør noget aktivt ved det. Fordi vi gerne vil følge med. I det hele - hele tiden. Vi vil jo helst ikke fremstå som værende u-oplyste og en, der ikke 'følger med'. Vi vil give indtryk af, at vi altid ved, hvad folk taler om. Det sidste, der er sket. Den sidste trend, 'buzz' eller 'craze'.
Jeg har en god ven, som ikke ser tv, som ikke er på Facebook, heller ikke Twitter, og som kun sms'er, hvis hans liv afhænger af det. Hvis han vil tale med nogen, opsøger ham dem, ringer eller skriver.
Han er en af de mest oplyste mennesker, jeg kender. Det er han af mange grunde. Han hører debatter på radioen, hvor emner bliver diskuteret af forskellige mennesker med forskellige meninger. Det giver indsigt i flere sider af en sag. Når han holder fri, læser han flere aviser dagligt og bøger af alle slags. Han taler med mennesker.
Han er oplyst på den måde, at han taler, når der er noget, han ved noget om. Ellers ikke. Og han ved en masse! Hvis man fortæller ham noget, han ikke ved noget om, spørger han ind til emnet, og hvis det så interesserer ham, søger han selv mere information. Han er ikke til hurtig-viden og slet ikke, hvis den kun bunder i, hvad andre mener. Han undersøger flere sider af en sag.
Men måden, de fleste af os samler viden i dag, giver ikke viden. Det er korte, u-dokumenterede oplysninger om noget, som måske er gået gennem 1000-vis af mennesker, og som slet ikke har den oprindelige form mere. Det er forvrængninger.
Jeg blev inspireret, sidst jeg besøgte ham og hans familie, så jeg slog alle nyhedsbreve og info-apps fra på mine medier. Det var svært, for jeg er tidligere nyheds-junkie, og læste nyheder 6-7 gange om dagen. Resultatet var desværre kun, at jeg blev ulykkelig over, hvor mange grumme ting, der sker i verden. Ting, som jeg ikke har indflydelse på.
Men der mærkelige skete - efter få dage savnede jeg det ikke! For de fleste nyheder er totalt ligegyldige. Der er mange 'nyheder', der er skjult markedsføring, og der er overskrifter, der siger en ting, og når man så klikker, er det bare en fordrejning af ligegyldige historier (click-baits). Vi bliver fyldt/lader os fylde med celebrity nyheder af værste skuffe. Formodninger og gætterier lavet af såkaldte journalister, og vores reaktion er ofte, at der er nok ikke nogen røg uden ild. Vi tror gerne på det værste. Men det meste er lodret løgn eller meget fordrejet. Det er der altså ikke mange nyheder i!
Vi er selv en del af spredningen af ligegyldige og usandfærdige 'fakta' og rygter på FB og lignende steder. Men måske skulle vi tage os selv i kraven og udøve lidt selv-censur, og de helt almindelige oprydningsregler fungerer fint - hvis man vender dem udad. Måske skulle vi øve os i at bremse op, før vi blindt trykker 'share' og spørge os selv:
Er denne oplysning til gavn for andre?
Hvad får jeg ud af at sprede den?
Sårer jeg nogen unødigt?
Mener jeg virkelig også selv det her, hvis jeg tænker efter?
Vil jeg stå inde for det?
Er det overhovedet sandt?
Vær med til at standse den meningsløse spredning af ord - for andet er det ikke! Man behøver ikke at tænke 'højt' for at tænke godt.
Somme tider behøver verden ikke vores mening.
Min 'underholdnings-sektion' på min fodskammel - inkl. vores lokalnyheder, som er meget fakta-baseret.
My 'entertainment-section' on my footstool - including our local newspaper, very fact based!
I have thought about this for a long time, because I have become more and more aware of, that I have been going in a direction, which I don't really like - and it stops now!
I talk about living a simple life, minimalism and general de-cluttering, and you can de-clutter in many places. In your house. At work. In your bag. In the car. In the calendar etc. All these actions will give more peace and energy.
But there is one place, which is difficult to de-clutter, and that is how we deal with information.
Everybody's talking about shutting off the laptop/Ipad/phone, because they disturb, but it is only the few, who do something active about it. Because we want to keep up. With everything - all the time. We don't want to stand back being un-informed and be somebody, who doesn't know. We want to give the impression, that we always know, what others are talking about. The last news. The last trend, buzz or craze.
I have a good friend, who doesn't watch tv, he is not on FB or Twitter, and he will only send a text, if his life depends on it. If he want to talk to somebody, he goes to see them, calls or writes.
He is one of the most knowledgeable person, I know, and there is at lot of reason for that. He listens to debates on the radio, where people with different opinions discuss an subject. It gives insight in others peoples' views. He also spends his time off with a lot of reading, newspapers and books of all kinds. He talks to people.
He is knowledable in the way, that he talkes, if he knows something about a subject. Otherwise not. And he knows a lot! If you tell him something, he doesn't know anything about, he will ask questions, and if he is interested, he will get more information somewhere else, too. He is not into fast-knowledge, and especially not if it just is the result of, what others think. He will investigate several sides of a subject.
But the way most of us seek our information today, doesn't give knowledge. We get the short, un-documented version of something, which might have passed through thousands of people, and which doesn't having the original text or form anymore. It has become twisted information.
After my last visit to him and his family, I got inspired and cancelled all newsletters and apps from my medias. It was difficult, because I used to be a news junkie and read the news 6-7 times a day. The result was unfortunately, that all the news about bad things going on in the world made me unhappy. Things, which is out of my control.
But strange things happen - after a few days I didn't miss it! Because most news are totally unimportant. Many news is hidden marketing, and headlines lead you to become curious, and when you click, it is just a twist of an uninteresting story. Clickbaits. We get filled/let us fill up with celebrity news of worst kind. Presumptions and guesswork are created by socalled reporters, and our reaction is often, that there is probably 'no smoke without a fire'. We gladly believe the worst. But most it is plain lies or so twisted, that nobody involved will recognize it. That isn't news!
We are all part of this spread of indifferent and untrue 'facts' and rumours on FB and similar medias. Maybe we should grab ourselves by the throat and practice a bit of self-censorship, and here the most common de-clutter methods works very well, too - you just turn them 'outwords'. So let's pull the breaks, before we get carried away and press 'share' and ask ourselves:
Is this information usefull for anybody?
What will I gain from spreading it?
Do I hurt anybody?
Is this really my opinion, if I think for one more minute?
Will I stand up to this?
Be a part of stopping the mindless spread of words - because it is nothing else! You don't have to think out loud to think well.
Sometimes the world just doesn't need our opinion.
But strange things happen - after a few days I didn't miss it! Because most news are totally unimportant. Many news is hidden marketing, and headlines lead you to become curious, and when you click, it is just a twist of an uninteresting story. Clickbaits. We get filled/let us fill up with celebrity news of worst kind. Presumptions and guesswork are created by socalled reporters, and our reaction is often, that there is probably 'no smoke without a fire'. We gladly believe the worst. But most it is plain lies or so twisted, that nobody involved will recognize it. That isn't news!
We are all part of this spread of indifferent and untrue 'facts' and rumours on FB and similar medias. Maybe we should grab ourselves by the throat and practice a bit of self-censorship, and here the most common de-clutter methods works very well, too - you just turn them 'outwords'. So let's pull the breaks, before we get carried away and press 'share' and ask ourselves:
Is this information usefull for anybody?
What will I gain from spreading it?
Do I hurt anybody?
Is this really my opinion, if I think for one more minute?
Will I stand up to this?
Be a part of stopping the mindless spread of words - because it is nothing else! You don't have to think out loud to think well.
Sometimes the world just doesn't need our opinion.
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