Jeg er blevet spurgt, om det kan ses i mit hjem, og det tror jeg egentlig ikke, men det kan ses i mine skabe. Jeg har ikke problemer med plads. Der er plads til det hele - men 'det hele' måske heller ikke så meget mere.
Så for ikke andet end det morsomme i det, opgjorde den totale ind-og udliste, og den kom til at se sådan ud:
59 ting ind, heraf 18 erstatninger, hvilket vil sige, at jeg har anskaffet 41 nye ting, og
150 ting er ude af mit hjem.
De 150 ting fordeler sig således:
9 ting blev solgt
12 ting blev smidt ud, fordi de ikke egnede sig til genbrug
5 ting blev foræret væk.
Så 124 ting gik til genbrugsforretninger.
Det er en on-going ting at holde sit hjem fri for unødige og unyttige ting. Vi vil alle sammen altid være forbrugere, og behov ændrer sig, og dermed opstår behovet for andre ting (som ikke behøver at være nye). Vi slider ting op. Vi går igennem forskellige livsperioder: Børn, teenagers, unge voksne, unge familier, gamle familier, gamle mennesker, og der er forskellige behov for de forskellige tidsaldre.
Men vi skal ikke hænge fast i det gamle. Vi skal mindes de gode oplevelser, og selvfølgelig skal vi også gemme nogle små skatte, men vi skal ikke drukne vores liv nu med det, der skete en gang. Det er en stor fornøjelse at give ting til genbrug, så andre kan bruge tingene færdig.
At lade fortiden tage for meget plads op (fysisk og psykisk) forhindrer os i at leve nu og gøre det bedste ud af i dag.
Så gå ud og gør i dag til en mindeværdig dag - uden ting. Hav en rigtig dejlig weekend.
De sidste genbrugsposer i 2016 - The last second hand bags in 2016
I think that it is quite funny, that I still - even thought I have decleared my de-clutter 'finished' - can find things to get rid of.
I have been asked, if it you can see it in my home, and I don't think so, but you can see it in my closets and cabinets. I have no space problems. There is a place for everything - but then again 'everything' might not be so much any more.
Only for the fun of it I have 'analyzed' the ins and outs, and the result is:
59 items in, of these 18 items are replacements, which means, that I have bought 41 new things, and
150 items went out.
The 150 items are devided in
9 items sold
12 things were ruined or otherwise not for use
5 items were given away.
So 124 items went to the 2nd hand shop.
It is an ongoing thing to keep your home free of unnecessary stuff. We will always be consumers, and our needs change, and needs for new things occur (things which might not be new). We wear things out, and we go through different life periods: Children, teenagers, young adults, young families, old families, old people, and there are different needs for all ages.
But we should not get stuck in times past. Of course we should remember good times, and of course we should keep little treasures. But we shouldn't drown in, what happened once. It is a big pleasure to pass things on to others, who can 'finish' our belongings, when we don't need them anymore.
To let the past take up too much room (mentally and physically) stops us from living now and making the best out of today.
So go out a make this day memorable - without things. Have a great weekend.
9 items sold
12 things were ruined or otherwise not for use
5 items were given away.
So 124 items went to the 2nd hand shop.
It is an ongoing thing to keep your home free of unnecessary stuff. We will always be consumers, and our needs change, and needs for new things occur (things which might not be new). We wear things out, and we go through different life periods: Children, teenagers, young adults, young families, old families, old people, and there are different needs for all ages.
But we should not get stuck in times past. Of course we should remember good times, and of course we should keep little treasures. But we shouldn't drown in, what happened once. It is a big pleasure to pass things on to others, who can 'finish' our belongings, when we don't need them anymore.
To let the past take up too much room (mentally and physically) stops us from living now and making the best out of today.
So go out a make this day memorable - without things. Have a great weekend.
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