1. argument: Du kan flytte uden problem.
Her argumenterer man for, at der er mange, der flytter, og hvis man skal vente på sin nye lejlighed, er det godt at bruge et hotellager. Det tror jeg er yderst sjældent, men selvfølgelig kan det ske, at man sælger et hus og skal bo et andet sted over en kortere periode, men det er jo bare et midlertidigt hjem, og der er sikkert plads til det meste.
2. argument: Mentalt overskud.
Her taler man om, at mange ting i hjemmet giver uro, og hvis man rydder op, får man større psykologisk overskud, og det er lettere at rydde op, når man har færre ting i hjemmet.
Det er jo helt klart, men man letter ikke noget ved at flytte det på lagerhotel. Det er det samme som at flytte ting i kælderen - uden at tage stilling til dem. Ryd op/ud i stedet! Lad være med at flytte problemet et andet sted hen - og betale i dyre domme for det.
3. argument: En tur til udlandet bliver realistisk.
Firmaet siger, at det kan gøre et langt ophold i et andet land muligt, hvis man ved, at man har et sted at opbevare sine ting i mellemtiden.
Her skal man virkelig gøre op med sig selv, hvad man vil, for man skal regne på, hvad det koster at opbevare sammenlignet med værdien af de ting, man opbevarer. Man kan let komme til at give flere gange værdien af tingene i leje i løbet af ganske kort tid, så med mindre det er ting af stor affektionsværdi af en størrelse, der ikke kan være i et par kasser hos venner eller familie, så er det en mulighed. Men skal man opbevare en brugt sofa i et år og betale 8-10.000 kr. i leje, skal man måske bare afhænde sofaen, spare pengene og købe en ny, når man kommer hjem.
Ofte giver et længerevarende ophold i et andet land også en ny måde at se omgivelserne på, så det er højst tænkeligt, at man har helt andre prioriteter, når (hvis) man tager tilbage.
4. argument. Nye muligheder i hjemmet.
Det handler om, hvis man vil renovere eller helt ombygge sit hjem, så har man et sted at flytte tingene hen, mens der er håndværkere.
Det er virkelig at lægge udgifter oven på udgifter, og det er sjældent, at man ikke har et eneste sted at opbevare tingene i et hus. For man skal jo også tænke på udgifterne til at flytte ting - og hvis man vil gøre det selv, så skal man overveje, om det er slæbet værd, eller om tingene ikke bare skal proppes ind i et rum, til ombygningen er færdig.
Der er i virkeligheden ikke ret mange gode argumenter for at give dyre penge ud på at leje et ekstra rum langt fra ens bolig. Ude af øje, ude af sind.
Gå på skrump med dine ting i stedet for. Alle de ovenfor nævnte argumenter er det bedste argument for at eje det, du har behov for - og ikke en snus mere. Så er der plads til dig de fleste steder.
In MX Metroexpress - a free newspaper in Denmark - today is a ad about self storage. I don't want to say anything about the company itself, it is probably a fine company, but the arguments for storing stuff outside your home doesn't stick!
1st argument: You can move without a problem.
Here they tell you, that a lot of people are moving, and if you have to wait for moving into your new home, it is good to use self storage. I think, that is is a rare occation, but of course it can happen, that you have sold your house and have to live in a another place over a period of time, but it is just a temporary home, where there will be room for everything.
2nd argument: Mental energy.
Here they talk about, that a lot of stuff in your home makes you feel at unease, and if you declutter, you get more mental energy, and it is easier to declutter, if you have fewer things in your home!
That is obvious, apart from that you don't solve the clutter problem by moving stuff into a self storage. It is the same thing as putting something in your basement - without knowing what you want to do with it. Do a proper de-clutter instead! Don't move the problem somewhere else - and pay a lot of money for it.
3rd argument: A trip abroad becomes realistic.
The company claims, that it can make a long stay in another country possible, if you know, that you have a place to keep your belonging.
Here your really have to make up your mind, what you want to do, because you have to do the calculation, what the storage will cost compared to the value of your belongings. You can easily get into the situation, where you will pay lots more than the value of your things during a short periode.
So unless it is items of great affectional value, which cannot be in a couple of boxes stored at family or friends, then it is an option. But if you store a used sofa for a year and have to pay the same as the value for the sofa, you should just let it go, save the money, and buy a new one, when you get home.
Being abroad for a while often changes your views on life, and you might have totally different needs, when (if) you go back.
4th argument: New possibilities in your home.
This is about, if you want to renovate or totally rebuild your home. Then you have a place to move your things, while the builders are working.
This is really to put expenses on top of expenses, and it is rare that you don't have a place to put yours things anywhere in your house. You get the building expenses, the storage expenses and on top of that the expenses for moving, if you don't want to struggle yourself, or you have the option just to stuff everything in a room for the period.
There are really not any good arguments to give away precious money for rent an extra room far from your home. Out of sight, out of mind.
So de-clutter instead. All the above mentioned arguments are the best arguments for owning what you need - and not a single thing more. Then there will be room for you most places.
The company claims, that it can make a long stay in another country possible, if you know, that you have a place to keep your belonging.
Here your really have to make up your mind, what you want to do, because you have to do the calculation, what the storage will cost compared to the value of your belongings. You can easily get into the situation, where you will pay lots more than the value of your things during a short periode.
So unless it is items of great affectional value, which cannot be in a couple of boxes stored at family or friends, then it is an option. But if you store a used sofa for a year and have to pay the same as the value for the sofa, you should just let it go, save the money, and buy a new one, when you get home.
Being abroad for a while often changes your views on life, and you might have totally different needs, when (if) you go back.
4th argument: New possibilities in your home.
This is about, if you want to renovate or totally rebuild your home. Then you have a place to move your things, while the builders are working.
This is really to put expenses on top of expenses, and it is rare that you don't have a place to put yours things anywhere in your house. You get the building expenses, the storage expenses and on top of that the expenses for moving, if you don't want to struggle yourself, or you have the option just to stuff everything in a room for the period.
There are really not any good arguments to give away precious money for rent an extra room far from your home. Out of sight, out of mind.
So de-clutter instead. All the above mentioned arguments are the best arguments for owning what you need - and not a single thing more. Then there will be room for you most places.
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