tager vi et rum mere! Stuen!
er et vigtigt rum. Det er familiens samlingssted. Så sæt allerførst
en dag af i kalender, og nu begynder du at tænke over, hvad du og
familien bruger stuen til: I ser tv, I leger, I læser og slapper af,
I spiser osv. Der skal være plads til både de små og de store i
dig så nogle tanker om, hvordan du gerne vil have, at stuen ser ud
efter en total oprydning. Du skal gøre plads til alle jeres
som om du skal gøre gammeldags forårsrent. Fjern alle småting. Alt
nips. Læg det i kasser og stil det væk. Langt væk :-) Fjern
derefter alle små møbler. Små borde, sideborde, stole, der står
ubenyttede. Ryd alt ud af skabe, reoler og andre opbevaringsmøbler.
eneste ting, der skal være tilbage i stuen, er
lænestol – hvis sofaen ikke kan rumme jer alle
og stole – hvis I ikke har spisekøkken
eller skab, muligvis med plads til tv
på gulvet – if you have any
dig selv den tjeneste at gøre rent, nu da der er frit, og begynd så
at genplacere, som du har planlagt. Men sæt en ting ind ad gangen og
tænk over det. Se, om du behøver så mange ting og møbler som
tidligere - hvilket du med garanti ikke gør! Du har måske nået at
rydde op i bøger, CD'er og DVD'er, så der er blevet plads til overs
til andre ting. Måske skal I bruge pladsen til opbevaring af lidt
legetøj, spil og andet, som familien bruger.
ikke noget ind, der 'hikker'. Det kan føles med det samme. Hvis
noget føles forkert, så stil det væk for en tid. Du skal hele
tiden tænke: Enkelt, luftigt og let at rengøre. Enkelt, luftigt og
let at rengøre! Jo mere gulvplads du får fri for bord- og stoleben,
jo lettere bliver rengøringen og hverdagen.
gør den antagelse, at man skal købe småt til små boliger med små
rum. Intet er mere forkert. Et stort opbevaringsskab, der kan rumme
det hele, virker roligere end 3 små opbevaringsmøbler. Men man
køber ofte et møbel for at løse et pladsproblem, og så ender
møblet med selv at give et pladsproblem, fordi det tager plads op!
Gør det ikke! Se i stedet på de ting, som du vil opbevare. Behøver
du dem virkelig? Gør de livet bedre?
er ikke stor fan af åbne reoler. De ser ofte rodede ud med bøger,
nips og fotos, og det er meget tidskrævende at tørre støv af. Jo
mere, der kan lægges i skabe, jo lettere bliver det at holde orden.
du er modig, kan du prøve at leve med det mest skrabede minimum af
møbler og vente med at stille flere ting ind. Det er en god øvelse,
for man bliver så glad af at leve med mere luft og færre pligter.
der står i kasser, kan blive der en tid. Du når at finde ud af, om
du har lyst til at sætte dem tilbage, eller om du - ved denne prøve
- har fået en ny livsstil. En livsstil med mindre, men bedre. Bedre
for dig og din familie.
we are ready for one more room! The living room!
living room is an important room. It is where your family get
together. First of all, start setting a date in your calendar, and
start thinking about, what you and your family are using the living
room for: You watch TV, you play, you read and relax, you eat etc.
There should be space for both the small and the big ones in the
it some thought, how you would like the room to look after this total
clean up. You must make space for all your activities.
as if you are going to do old fashioned Spring cleaning. Remove all
knickknacks. All small items. Put them in boxes and put them away.
Far away :-) Remove all small pieces of furniture. Small tables, side
boards, chairs which you don't use. Empty all cabinets, shelves and
other storage places.
things left is the living room should be
coffee table
lounge chair – if the sofa isn't big enough for all of you
dining table with chairs – if you don't have a kitchen with a
dining section
bookshelf or cabinet with space for the TV
– if you have any
yourself a favor and clean the room, now that it is cleared, and then
start replacing according to your plan. But only put one thing in at
the time and think carefully. See, if you really need as many things
and pieces of furniture as before – which you probably won't! Maybe
you already have cleaned out in your books, CDs and DVDs, so now
there is space for something else. Maybe you could use the storage
for some toys, and the games etc., which your family uses.
put anything back, which makes you 'twitch'. You can feel it
immediately. If something feels wrong, put it away for some time. You
should constantly think: Simple, airy and easy to clean. Simple, airy
and easy to clean! The more free floor space from tables and chairs,
the easier cleaning and everyday life gets.
Many people make
the assumption that you have to buy small pieces of furniture for
small homes with small rooms. Nothing could be more wrong. One big
storage cabinet, which can contain everything, looks a lot more calm
than 3 small storage pieces. But very often you buy a piece of
furniture to solve a storage problem, and then it ends up giving a
space problem itself, because it takes up space. Don't do it! Instead
take a look at the things, you want to find space for. Do you really
need them? Do they make you life better?
am not a big fan of open selves. With books, knickknacks and photos
they often look messy, and it is quite time consuming to keep them
clean. The more you can put away in a cabinet, the easier it is to
make a room look tidy.
you are brave, you can try to live with a minimum of furniture and
wait putting the smaller things back into the room. It is a good
experience, because you get to like the airy feel and the easy
things, which are left in the boxes, should stay there for a while.
You get to find out, if you really want to put them back in the room,
or if you – with this test – have gained a new lifestyle. A
lifestyle with less, but better. Better for your family and you.
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