Thursday, June 26, 2014

Metroen - The Metro

Jeg synes, at det er fantastisk, at metroen udbygges. Ingen tvivl om det. Samtidig forstår jeg godt, at de forretninger og mennesker, der bor tæt ved byggeriet, bliver belastet af opgravninger, støj og støv. Og jeg længes også efter, at de bliver færdige. De gør, hvad de kan, for at skjule det med forskellige kunsteriske tiltag, men det er grimt lige nu. Jeg glæder mig til at se Kongens Nytorv re-etableret ... en gang med tiden. Sådan så det ud engang!

Før - Before

Hegnet - the fence

Nu - med det Kgl. Teater i baggrunden
 Now - with the Royal Theater in the background

Men hvis man vender ryggen til, kan man se en gammel charmerende detalje og næsten glemme det andet
But if you turn your back at it, you can see an old charming detail, and almost forget the rest

I think that it is fantastic that the metro is being expanded. No doubts about that. At the same time I totally understand all the shops and people, who live in the neighborhood, are bothered by the digging, the noise, and the dirt. And I long for the work to finish, too. They are making an effort to make things nicer with all sorts of artistic measures, but it is so ugly now. I am looking forward to seeing The King's New Square re-established ... some time in the future.

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