Fan of New Year's resolutions? I am - in a way. At the end of the year I go through the past year. I write down what I succeeded, and what I didn't do or had the time for. If I didn't do what I had planned, I find out why. Maybe I had 'outgrown' the target, maybe I lost focus, or maybe other more important things happened. When that is done, I plan for the new year. I look at the things which I want to continue, new plans, and what needs to be done. I did that from my big cozy chair today with the sunlight blazing through the windows.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Status 2013
Fan af nytårsforsætter eller ej? Det er jeg - på en måde. Ved året slutning gennemgår jeg, hvordan det er gået. Skriver ned, hvad der lykkedes, og hvad jeg ikke fik udført eller nået. Hvis jeg ikke fik udført, hvad jeg havde planlagt, så finder jeg ud af hvorfor, og ikke mindst om det er, fordi jeg er 'vokset' fra mit mål, om jeg bare mistede fokus hen ad vejen, eller der kom vigtigere ting. Når det er sket, planlægger jeg det nye år. Ser på, hvad jeg skal fortsætte med, hvad nyt jeg gerne vil gøre, og hvad der trænger til at blive gjort. Det gjorde jeg i dag fra min lænestol i strålende solskin.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Øst, vest, hjemme bedst - East, Vest, Home is best
Efter nogle dejlige, meget aktive dage sydpå er det - trods regnvejret - dejligt at være hjemme. Men sådan skal det også være. Hvis man altid drømmer sig ud, og ikke ønsker sig tilbage, er der noget galt med ens hverdagsliv.
After some wonderful, very active days down south it is - in spite of the rain - great to be back home. But that is the way that it should be. If you always dream yourself away, and don't want to go back, there is something wrong with your everyday life.
After some wonderful, very active days down south it is - in spite of the rain - great to be back home. But that is the way that it should be. If you always dream yourself away, and don't want to go back, there is something wrong with your everyday life.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Glædelig jul - Merry Christmas
Jeg vil gerne ønske en rigtig dejlig jul til jer og jeres kære - med en lidt anderledes juleudsmykning
Nyd det!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Julemorgenmad i Spanien - Christmas breakfast in Spain
Jeg har virkeligt lært at sætte pris på en spansk morgenmadsret, selvom den på ingen måde er det mest politiske mad-regime-rigtige måltid. Den består af en stor hvid ristet bolle med fantastisk olienolie, frisk pureret tomat og et lille drys salt! Dertil en god kop café con leche, som bare er kaffe med mælk, men som smager helt anderledes hernede, hvor kaffe er noget andet end hjemme. Det er køligt i skyggen nu, men dejligt varmt i solen. Så en ny dag 'truer'!
I have really learned to appreciate a special Spanish breakfast meal, even though it is not the most 'food-political' correct dish. It is a big toasted white flower bun with fantastic olive oil, fresh pureed tomatoes and a hint of salt! With that you have a good cup of 'café con leche', which just is coffee with milk, but it tastes totally different here, where coffee is a quite some else than the one we normally drink. It is chilly in the shadow now, but nice and warm in the sun. So it is a promising new day!
I have really learned to appreciate a special Spanish breakfast meal, even though it is not the most 'food-political' correct dish. It is a big toasted white flower bun with fantastic olive oil, fresh pureed tomatoes and a hint of salt! With that you have a good cup of 'café con leche', which just is coffee with milk, but it tastes totally different here, where coffee is a quite some else than the one we normally drink. It is chilly in the shadow now, but nice and warm in the sun. So it is a promising new day!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Langsom juletravlhed - Slow Christmas Bustle
Jeg er for 3. gang her (i Spanien) i julesæsonen, og jeg undrede
mig over noget allerede sidst, da jeg var her: Man er høflig på gaden. Man
drøner ikke afsted uden at tænke på sine omgivelser. Og støder man sammen,
kommer der et 'perdón' med det samme. Selvom der er mange mennesker, bliver man
ikke mast og puffet. Man tager sig tid. Jeg vil gerne stemme for mere af det derhjemme, så alt ikke
bare bliver en glorificering af travhed.
I am for the 3rd time here (in Spain ) during
the Christmas season, and already last time, I wondered about something: People
are polite, when they are walking in the street. They don't rush without
thinking about their surroundings. And if you get bump into by someone, there is
always a 'perdón'. Even though there are many people, you don't get squeezed or
pushed. They take their time. I would vote for that at home, so not everything becomes a
glorification of being busy.
Koldt og varmt - Cold and Varm
Det er ikke alle steder, der er koldt og gråt lige nu! Bortset udenfor vinduet. Dér er koldt! Men ellers lover det rigtigt godt. Og det er juleferie!
It is not all places, which are cold and grey right now! Apart from outside the window. There's really cold. But otherwise it looks promising. And it is season holidays!
It is not all places, which are cold and grey right now! Apart from outside the window. There's really cold. But otherwise it looks promising. And it is season holidays!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Glædelig forbrugerfest - Merry Consumer Season
Når vi nu allesammen har købt en VIP-spand, Pantella lampen, en Le Creuset gryde, Lyngby vasen, Kongelig porcelæn Mega mussel, Kähler stager, hvad skal vi så have? Og hvor skal vi have alle de ting? Nåh ja, vi kan jo sælge dem på Ebay ... eller måske ikke, for alle andre prøver også at sælger deres for at købe nyt. En lidt grotest situation, ikke? Hvor gik originaliteten og det personlige touch hen? Og sjovt er Pantella lampen fra 1971 og det kongelige porcelæn startede ca. 1775! Intet nyt under solen!
Now that we all have bought a VIP-bucket, the Pantella lamp, a Le Creuset pot, the Lyngby vase, Royal Porcelain Fluted Mega, Kähler candlestick holders, what do we want then? And where are we going to put all these things. Oh yes, of course, we can sell them on Ebay ... or maybe not. Because everybody else are trying to sell their things, too. A bit of grotesque situation, isn't it? Where did the originality and the personal touch go? And it is quite funny that the Pantella lamp is the youngest item from 1971, and the Royal Porcelain goes back to 1775. Nothing new under the sun!
Now that we all have bought a VIP-bucket, the Pantella lamp, a Le Creuset pot, the Lyngby vase, Royal Porcelain Fluted Mega, Kähler candlestick holders, what do we want then? And where are we going to put all these things. Oh yes, of course, we can sell them on Ebay ... or maybe not. Because everybody else are trying to sell their things, too. A bit of grotesque situation, isn't it? Where did the originality and the personal touch go? And it is quite funny that the Pantella lamp is the youngest item from 1971, and the Royal Porcelain goes back to 1775. Nothing new under the sun!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Planlægning - Planning
Endnu er jeg meget afslappet. Altså i forbindelse med julen. Men tiden går hurtigt alligevel. Sikkert fordi jeg tager afsted, når det er mørkt og kommer hjem, når det har været mørkt et par timer. Det kunne man selvfølgelig klage over, fordi man bliver træt, når man ikke får så meget lys, men det er også tid til at krybe op i et sofahjørne med god samvittighed. Og det vil jeg så gøre.
I am still quite relaxed. Regarding Christmas that is. But the time passes fast anyway. Probably because I leave home in the morning, and it is dark outside, and when I come home, it has already been dark for a couple of hours. I could of course complain about it, because the darkness makes you more tired, but it is also time to creep up in a sofa corner with good conscience. And I will do that now.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Den 'gode' smag har dræbt julen - The 'good' Taste has killed Christmas
Hvordan kan det være, at der i år ikke må være skyggen af jul i opdækning eller udsmykning - i hvert fald hvis det står til stylister og designere. Bladene viser hjem, hvor man skal lede efter juletegn. Ingen varme, intet 'julet', intet for børnene. Geometriske mønstre i mørke farver eller pasteller. Til nød noget af naturmaterialer. Hvor er alt det sjove for børnene? Hvor er vindueskarmene med nisselandskaberne. Hvor er nisserne? Har den vedtagne 'gode smag' dræbt julen? Jeg vil have den tilbage!
How come that there is not a shadow of Christmas this year when you see design magazines or stylist decorations this year? The magazines show homes where you have to look really, really close to find a Christmas item. Geometric figures in dark colors or pastels. When it goes far some things are made of nature materials.No warmth, nothing 'christmassy'. Where is all the fun for the kids? Where are the window sills with the cotton winter landscapes? Where are Santa's helpers? Has the elite 'good' taste killed Christmas? I demand it back!
How come that there is not a shadow of Christmas this year when you see design magazines or stylist decorations this year? The magazines show homes where you have to look really, really close to find a Christmas item. Geometric figures in dark colors or pastels. When it goes far some things are made of nature materials.No warmth, nothing 'christmassy'. Where is all the fun for the kids? Where are the window sills with the cotton winter landscapes? Where are Santa's helpers? Has the elite 'good' taste killed Christmas? I demand it back!
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