On Monday it is my turn to go on holiday. Everybody else, or almost everybody, is going back to work, so now I'm the lucky one. I am really looking forward. I don't want to leave Denmark during summer. I don't need to go somewhere else during the period where there is a possibility for great weather here, because then it is perfect - and if not - then it is good that I am not weather sensitive. I just need to be at home and do all the things, I normally don't have time to do, when I am working. Quietly. Or not do do them!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Snart ferie - Holiday soon
På mandag er det tid til ferie for mit vedkommende. Alle, næsten alle, er på vej tilbage på arbejde, og nu er det min tur. Jeg glæder mig. Jeg forlader helst ikke Danmark om sommeren. Jeg har ikke behov for at drøne til et andet land i den periode, hvor der er mulighed for godt vejr, for når det er godt vejr i Danmark, er det perfekt - og hvis det ikke er godt, er det heldigt, at jeg ikke er vejrpåvirkelig. Jeg har bare behov for at være hjemme og gøre alle de ting, som jeg normalt aldrig får gjort i hverdagen. Stille og roligt. Eller ikke at gøre dem!
On Monday it is my turn to go on holiday. Everybody else, or almost everybody, is going back to work, so now I'm the lucky one. I am really looking forward. I don't want to leave Denmark during summer. I don't need to go somewhere else during the period where there is a possibility for great weather here, because then it is perfect - and if not - then it is good that I am not weather sensitive. I just need to be at home and do all the things, I normally don't have time to do, when I am working. Quietly. Or not do do them!
On Monday it is my turn to go on holiday. Everybody else, or almost everybody, is going back to work, so now I'm the lucky one. I am really looking forward. I don't want to leave Denmark during summer. I don't need to go somewhere else during the period where there is a possibility for great weather here, because then it is perfect - and if not - then it is good that I am not weather sensitive. I just need to be at home and do all the things, I normally don't have time to do, when I am working. Quietly. Or not do do them!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Kreative IT-folk på Statens IT - Creative IT-guys at The State IT
Jeg har passeret den bygning rigtig mange gange og aldrig rigtig kigget på den. Den ligger tilbagetrukket på Gl. Kongevej i København. Det er Statens IT. Det lyder måske kedeligt, men tænk igen! Det ser ud til, at udsmykningen er lavet af post-it blokke. Ikke nyt, men ret sjovt alligevel. Der er mange måder at udtrykke sig på.
I have passed this building many times, and never really looked at it. It is at Gl. Kongevej in Copenhagen. It is the Danish State's IT headquarter. Sounds boring? Think again! It looks like the window decorations are made with post-it pads. Nothing new about that, but fun anyway. There are many ways to express yourself.
I have passed this building many times, and never really looked at it. It is at Gl. Kongevej in Copenhagen. It is the Danish State's IT headquarter. Sounds boring? Think again! It looks like the window decorations are made with post-it pads. Nothing new about that, but fun anyway. There are many ways to express yourself.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Hvad er en design-kopi? - What is a Design Copy?
Jeg har lige fundet ud at, at der bliver startet en produktion
af genoptryk af gamle danske plakater, hvilket er fuldt forståeligt set fra et
indtjeningssynspunkt, for der var mange godt kunstnere. Men det har fået mig
til at tænke på definitionen på originaler og kopier. Der bliver produceret
design-møbler med oprindelse i 50’erne. Der er genoptryk af gamle stofmønstre
fra 70’erne. Gamle vaser også fra 70’erne kommer på markedet igen. Genoptagelsen af mange produktioner af
funktionelle ting er blevet meget udbredt, og det er da også helt klart lettere
end at gå ud og starte noget nyt. Men det er jo reelt bare kopier! Så hvordan
kan det være, at f.eks. de designmøbler, som man køber i dag, der bliver
lavet på fabrikker i udlandet, alligevel bliver betragtet som originaler, og
dermed koster urimeligt mange penge? Det er jo masseproduktion! Så jeg håber, at plakaterne får rimelige priser, nu hvor printprocesserne er blevet så moderne.
Men denne bog er skøn - Danske Plakat Klassikere 1900-1988
But this book is wonderful - Danish Poster Classics 1900-1988
og den kan købes i Den Gamle By i Århus her
and it can be bought i The Old City in Aarhus here
I have just found out that a production
of old Danish posters is on the way, which is fully understandable seen with
the eye on economics, because there were many good artists. But it made me
think about the definition of originals and copies. We reproduce design
furniture from the 50’es. We make reprints of old fabric patterns from the
70’es as well as old vases from the same period. The reproductions of many old functional things have
accelerated, and of course it is far easier than starting launching new things.
But they are all really just copies! And that’s where I start wondering! How
come that i.e. designs furniture which is produced in other countries are
considered originals anyway, and therefore cost enormous sums? It is mass
production! I hope that the posters come with reasonable prices, now when the printing processes have become much more modern.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Stilrene hjem eller hva'? - Stylish Homes or What?
Stilen i alle boligreportager har i lang tid været skrabet sort/hvid med Eames-stole (som bestemt er flotte), som er ved at blive afløst af Y-stolen af Hans Wegner (som også er flotte). Men det er heldigvis ved at bløde op. Der har været alt for mange ens hjem i inspirations-bladene. Når man havde læst et blad, havde man læst dem alle sammen. Jeg synes, at det er mere spændende at have et personligt hjem end at have et 'in' hjem. Indret dit hjem, som du har lyst, men lad være med at drukne de gode ting (og dermed ikke sagt dyre ting) mellem en hel masser intetsigende niller-naller. Lad ting stå, så de taler for sig selv. Express yourself!
In all design magazines the style has for a long time been black/white minimalism with Eames chairs (which definitely look great), now slowly being replaced by the Y-chair by Hans Wegner (also nice). But fortunately things are softening. We have seen way too many homes looking exactly the same in inspirational magazines. When you have read one magazine, you have read them all. I think that it is much more exciting to have a home with personality than to have an 'in' home. So decorate the way you want, but don't let the good (I am not saying the expensive) things drown between a lot of unimportant stuff. Leave them in focus to be seen. Express yourself!
To messing penneholdere lavet af min far -
Two brass pen holders made by my father
In all design magazines the style has for a long time been black/white minimalism with Eames chairs (which definitely look great), now slowly being replaced by the Y-chair by Hans Wegner (also nice). But fortunately things are softening. We have seen way too many homes looking exactly the same in inspirational magazines. When you have read one magazine, you have read them all. I think that it is much more exciting to have a home with personality than to have an 'in' home. So decorate the way you want, but don't let the good (I am not saying the expensive) things drown between a lot of unimportant stuff. Leave them in focus to be seen. Express yourself!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Færdig med loppetorv - Done with Flea Markets
På min vej rundt i verden løber jeg somme tider ind i et loppetorv. Jeg opsøger dem ikke, for jeg mangler ikke noget, men når det sker, må jeg indrømme, at jeg synes, at der er meget ragelse, der forsøges solgt. Jeg ved det: Den enes skrald, den andens guld, men den holder ikke helt. Hvis man skal købe vintage, skal det være i orden. Ikke rå-brugte sweatshirts og gamle, udtrådte sko. Lørdag rundede jeg et loppetorv, og som gammel 'samler' er det lidt at udfordre skæbnen. Men jeg er færdig med loppetorv. Helt færdig. Jeg har ikke mere behov for at købe nuttede, søde, dekorative ting eller brugt tøj. Jeg skal ikke igen ende med en masse ting, som jeg bare flytter rundt på. Skønt bare at kunne gå videre, erkende at der måske er pæne ting imellem og rart at vide, at de findes – og især skønt at jeg ikke behøver at eje dem.
On my way ’around the world’ (my neighborhood) I sometimes run into a flea market. I don’t seek them, because I don’t need anything, but when it happens I must admit that I think people are trying to squeeze money out of junk. I know! One man’s trash, is another man’s treasure, but it doesn’t hold water. If you want to buy vintage stuff it must be in a good condition. Not worn out old sweatshirts and shoes. Saturday I passed a flea market, and being an old 'collector' it is challenging faith. But I am happy to say that I am done with flea markets. Totally Done. I have no need for buying cute, decorative objects or used clothes. I don’t want again to end up with a lot of stuff I just move from one place to another. It is great to be able to walk away, acknowledging that there might be nice things there, and it's good to know that they are there – and especially nice that I don’t have to own them.
On my way ’around the world’ (my neighborhood) I sometimes run into a flea market. I don’t seek them, because I don’t need anything, but when it happens I must admit that I think people are trying to squeeze money out of junk. I know! One man’s trash, is another man’s treasure, but it doesn’t hold water. If you want to buy vintage stuff it must be in a good condition. Not worn out old sweatshirts and shoes. Saturday I passed a flea market, and being an old 'collector' it is challenging faith. But I am happy to say that I am done with flea markets. Totally Done. I have no need for buying cute, decorative objects or used clothes. I don’t want again to end up with a lot of stuff I just move from one place to another. It is great to be able to walk away, acknowledging that there might be nice things there, and it's good to know that they are there – and especially nice that I don’t have to own them.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Købspris - Purchase Price
Det dér med pris på en vare gør mig virkelig nysgerrig. Når der er 'tusindvis' af varer, der efter ganske kort tid kan sælges med 50%, hvem bliver så snydt? Den lille kineser, der sidder og syr? Den, der financerer varen? Den, der sælger varen? Køberen? Jeg synes, at det er underligt, og måske skal vi alle sammen til at gentænke. Eller måske bare begynde tænke over, om vi virkelig behøver alt det, vi køber.
That thing about price really makes me curious. When 'thousands' of items after a very short time in the stores can be reduced with 50%, who gets cheated? The little Chinese sitting sewing? The one who finance the process? The one who sells the stuff? The buyer? I really think that it is strange, and maybe we all should rethink our consumer ways. Or maybe we should just start thinking about, if we really need all the stuff we buy.
That thing about price really makes me curious. When 'thousands' of items after a very short time in the stores can be reduced with 50%, who gets cheated? The little Chinese sitting sewing? The one who finance the process? The one who sells the stuff? The buyer? I really think that it is strange, and maybe we all should rethink our consumer ways. Or maybe we should just start thinking about, if we really need all the stuff we buy.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Jeg har her i sommervarmen siddet og surfet
lidt rundt på nettet, og jeg røg lige ind i et stort modemagasins hjemmeside.
Meget smuk og underholdende. En af artiklerne handlede om, at bladets moderedaktør er begyndt at planlægge
efterårsgarderoben og har fundet sine favoritter frem. Der er sat et
billedgalleri ind med 10 stk. tøj, så vi kan se, hvad hun ønsker sig. Jeg ved
godt, at det er ment som inspiration, men det er alligevel helt hul i hovedet,
når den viste garderobe samlet koster 43.050 DKK! - 10 stykker tøj! Jeg er
helt med på at få vist 'the real thing' i mode shoots, men på
en trendliste ville det være mere relevant at vise, hvad man kan få for en
almindelig løn, som rammer den kommende modesæson. Gad vide hvad en moderedaktør tjener?
Rigtige 'must-haves' - True must-haves
Must-haves? - No, but nice to have :-)
Here in the summer weather I have been sitting surfing the net, and I found a big Danish fashion magazine's site. Very beautiful and entertaining. One of the articles is about that the magazine's fashion editor has started planning her autumn wardrobe and is showing her favorites. A picture gallery with 10 items, so we can see what she wants. I know that it is meant as an inspiration, but it is nuts anyway, when these 10 items have a total value of 5.760 Euro or 7.650 $! Ten items! I quite understand showing the 'real thing' in fashion shoots, but in a trend list it would be more relevant to show, what you can get for an ordinary salary, and still get the style of the upcoming season. Wonder what a fashion editor earns?
Monday, July 15, 2013
Lidt væk fra midten - A short walk away from the Center
Strøget i København er et af de store shoppingområder. Men man skal ikke langt væk, før der er mere ro og stadig masser af atmosfære og ting at se på. Så prøv at gå ned ad en af sidegaderne.
Strøget - The Pedestrian Street ...
... og 5 minutter væk - and 5 minutes away
Cafe Sorgenfri - Cafe Free of Grief
Strøget - The Pedestrian Street - in Copenhagen is one of the city's big shopping areas. But you don't have to walk far, before there is more peace still with a lot of atmosphere and things to look at. So try to choose one of the side streets.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Express Yourself in Copenhagen
Hver årstid sin charme, men når man har 'pakket sig ud' af det tykke tøj, bliver det hele lidt mere farverigt og festligt. Så ser man tydeligt, at der er nogle memesker, der er lidt mere farverige end andre. Lad os få lidt mere af det!
Come on! I am a killer dog!
Fornuftig påklædning i varmen - Sensible dressing in the heat
Disney møder Rammstein - Disney meets Rammstein
Måske et medlem af Blue Man Group på Strøget? -
Maybe a member of Blue Man Group in Denmark?
Love forever
Every season has it's own charm, but when you have 'wrapped yourself out' of the warm clothes, everything becomes a bit more festive and colorful. Then it becomes obvious that some people shine a little more than other. Let's have more of that!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Hvorfor skal vi altid købe 2 stk.? - Why must we always buy 2 items?
Det spørgsmål hørte jeg i et supermarked i dag. Det kom fra en 7-årig dreng, der stod og kiggede på store kasser med slik med et skilt på, hvor der stod: 2 stk for xx kroner, og så kiggede jeg ned i min egen kurv! Mange gange sparer man latterligt lidt, så det er mere i supermarkedets interesse end i forbrugerens. Og det er rasende irriterende for mennesker, der bor småt. Hvorfor har varer ikke bare en pris?
I heard this question today in a supermarket. It came from a 7 year old boy, who was looking at big boxes filled with candy bags. There was a sign which said: 2 bags for xx Danish kroner, and I took a look in my own shopping cart! Sometimes you only save a ridiculously small amount, so it is more in the interest of the supermarket than in consumer interest. And it is really irritating for people who live in small places. Why don't things just have a price?
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Jazzfestival i København - Jazz Festival in Copenhagen
Det var, hvad vi savnede. Sol, varme og fest i gaden. En skøn dag i København, hvor der er jazzfestival, der giver god stemning i hele byen. Den varer til den 14. juli, så du kan stadig nå at høre noget god musik.
Masser af mennesker til jazzfestival - Lots of people at the jazz festival
Et romantisk brudepar på fotosession - A romantic couple of newly weds on photo session
- og jeg er træt - and I am tired :-)
This was, what we were missing. Sun, warm weather and party in the street. A wonderful day in Copnehagen with a jazz festival giving a good atmosphere. It lasts until July 14, so you still have time to go and hear some good music.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Intet slår Robert Redford - Nothing beats Robert Redford
Så er de her! Altså min nye telefon og min Kindle. Telefonen er næsten sat op, og den første bog er downloaded på Kindle'n. Det blev 'The Great Gatsby'. Jeg har aldrig læst den, så nu er det nu. Men jeg har set filmen, og uanset hvor god nyindspilningen er, så er der ikke noget eller nogen, der kan konkurrere med Robert Redford!
They are here! That is my new phone and my Kindle. I am almost done with arranging the phone as I want it, and the first book has been downloaded to the Kindle. It is 'The Great Gatsby'. I have never read it, so now is the time. But I have seen the film, and no matter how good the remake is, nothing and nobody beats Robert Redford!
They are here! That is my new phone and my Kindle. I am almost done with arranging the phone as I want it, and the first book has been downloaded to the Kindle. It is 'The Great Gatsby'. I have never read it, so now is the time. But I have seen the film, and no matter how good the remake is, nothing and nobody beats Robert Redford!
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