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En af
mine bekendte døde alt for tidligt og efterlod sig flere ting, bl.a. et maleri,
som havde hængt i barndomshjemmet.
Der var
ingen af de efterladte, der for alvor havde lyst til at have maleriet hængende,
men alligevel beholdt de det. Det står i kælderen - og til glæde for hvem?
For når
nogen, der står én nær, ikke er der mere, så kan man jo ikke skille sig af med
ting, som den afdøde holdt af. Eller kan man?
Jo, for
ellers der er en stor risiko for, at ens hjem bliver til et mausolæum over
tidligere slægt.
Lad os
mindes tidligere tider ved at vælge en ting, som
minder os om personen, og som vi er glade for at have stående.
My grandmother's old imitation jewelry
One of my friends died much
too early and left a lot of things, among other things a painting, which once upon
a time had been hanging the grandparents’ home. No one in the family really
wanted the painting, but they kept it anyway. It is in the basement – to the
delight of whom?
Because when you loose
someone, you have been close to, you cannot get rid of things, which the
deceased person once felt something for. Or can you?
Yes, because you risk making
you home into a mausoleum for your ancestors.
Let’s keep our loved ones in
our hearts and choose a thing which we
think represents the person and make us happy when we look at it.
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