Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Angst for at mangle - Anxienty if Missing

Vi holder fast i ting af angst for at mangle dem, når de er væk. Men objektivt set kommer vi ikke til at 'mangle' de ting, der ligger ubrugte rundt omkring i vores hjem. Det er bare ting, der tager plads og tid, fordi man er nødt til at flytte dem for at få fat i andre ting. 

Ting, der er gemt væk, tager også tid og energi! For hver gang man har ubrugte ting i hænder, buger man energi p at tænke over, hvad man skal gøre med dem.

Hvis de er brugbare og i anstændig stand skal man 'sende dem ud i verden' til nogen, der har brug for dem. Hvis de er i dårlig stand, skal de bare smides ud.

We are hanging on to things due to anxiety. Anxiety of missing them, if they go. But objectively we will not 'miss' the things, which are lying around in our homes - un-used. They are just things taking up space and time, because you have to search and move those things to get hold of other things.

Things, which are hidden, also eat your time and your energy! Because every time you are holding something, you don't use, in your hands, you spend energy thinking about, what you should do with them.

Yes, what should you do with them?

If they are intact and in a decent condition, you should send them 'out in the world' to somebody, who need them, because you don't need the things, you don't use. If they are in a bad condition, they should just be thrown out!

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